Round Five, Scene Six (Finale)

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"What's going on here?" Froststar, who had newly received her lives and name, studied her warriors, some of whom seemed to be fighting someone, the rest who watched from a distance. She had just returned from the leadership ceremony, and although she'd expected a little chaos from her Clan being leaderless, she didn't foresee her Clanmates infighting.

"We had a vote!" Prickleblaze approached Froststar hastily, tailed by Kestrelface. Her tail flicked nervously, but she met Froststar's gaze. "Spiderpool's been accused of murder..." Her voice faltered.

"What were the results?"

Prickleblaze swallowed. "She's been voted guilty."

Kestrelface nodded towards the fighting cats. "They're trying to force her out, but it isn't working. Spiderpool's holding her own against all of them."

Froststar took a closer look at the battling cats. Kestrelface was right- Spiderpool was somehow fighting five well-trained Clan warriors at once. She lay on her back, lashing out with all four paws and sharp fangs against any cat who got near her, twisting and rolling away from the warriors' attacks.

"Enough!" Every cat stopped fighting right away, including Spiderpool.

Froststar fixed her gaze on the white she-cat. "What is the meaning of this?"

"She's a killer, Froststar! A killer!" Stoatnose slitted his eyes to glare at Spiderpool. He was covered with scratches, but they didn't seem to bother him at all.

"How is she still alive after fighting five of us at once?" Marshmask demanded. "She should be dead, the same way those who were murdered should be alive!" His shoulders heaved with exhaustion from fighting, but his yellow eyes still blazed with outrage.

A grunt came from Spiderpool. Every cat turned their head to look at her as she slowly got to her paws. She was virtually untouched except for a few missing tufts of fur. She barely even looked out of breath.

"Learning how to fight was necessary. Because... because those deaths were necessary," the she-cat whispered painfully. Her blue eyes took on a new light- a broken shine that signified her fall into despair. "Those cats' spirits will be traded with those of my family. Is that too much to ask for?" She collapsed back onto the ground, trembling.

Buzzardmist curled his lip. "What are you going on about? Sounds like you've gone mad, Spiderpool."

"They told me... they told me that I could trade souls for souls. Take lives to regain lives. They told me-" Spiderpool choked. "They told me that my family could live again."

"So it was you! All this time, it was you who killed them all!" Breezewing's meow shook with grief and rage. "You should go to the Dark Forest for your sins!"

"Breezewing, calm down," Froststar ordered. "Spiderpool... who told you this?"

"The- the..." Spiderpool was hyperventilating now, and she wouldn't look up at Froststar. "A- A Dark Forest cat," she admitted. "I- I wasn't... I mean, it couldn't have been that bad-"

"Have you no sense of loyalty? What do we mean to you?" Froststar's meow quivered slightly, but she tried to hide it. "Your Clan could've been your family, Spiderpool. There is a reason Clan cats live together, hunt together, fight together. We entrust our lives to our Clanmates for the bonds we share." Froststar felt as if her heart was being shredded to pieces, but she forced herself to continue. "But now, after you've betrayed us, killed your own Clanmates, none of us will ever trust you again." The black and white she-cat unsheathed her claws and sank them into the earth- partly to steady herself, partly to show the aggression she did not have. "Begone, and leave our sight," she breathed. "That's the only thing you can do for us now."

Spiderpool shrank back, glancing desperately around the place she had called home for so long. Her jaw dropped open, and she choked out two words:

"I-I'm sorry."

Then she whirled around and fled away into the forest.

At long last, the killer has a motive.

The Clan wins!

Thanks for playing Traitor!

Traitor: Spiderpool

Deputy: Breezewing

Medicine Cat: Nightstripe

Traitor // A Warriors Mafia Minigame Where stories live. Discover now