Round Five, Scene Five

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"Froststar! Froststar!" The warriors in the clearing chanted for their new leader, despite Frostcloud's protests.

"Wait, wait! I still need StarClan to give me my name and my nine lives," the black and white she-cat laughed. "But before I go, I must choose a new deputy. Unfortunately, I can't disclose their identity to everyone because the murderer might target them."

One by one, the warriors had a private talk with Frostcloud until every cat had spoken with her.

"A deputy has been chosen," she announced. "May you help me as much as possible during this dark time."


A piercing scream pierced through the silent night, followed by more, weakening screeches, like echoes.

Several cats were awakened: Stoatnose, Spiderpool, Breezewing and Marshmask.

"What was that?" Breezewing pricked her ears, angling them to the direction of the sounds.

Marshmask narrowed his eyes. His fur stood on end and bristled apprehensively. "That sounded like a cat to me."

"Not another murder!" Stoatnose shrank back and started shivering, his eyes wide with terror.

Spiderpool lay her tail across the brown tabby tom's shoulders, her blue eyes fixed on the forest. "That cat is still alive, Stoatnose," she said with finality.

"Well, we'll have to help them! Come on!" Breezewing dashed out of the camp without waiting for the others' consent. The other three warriors followed suit and chased her, trying to locate the source of the painful yowls.


"Help me!" Frogfoot was screaming from pain and fear. He'd been wounded by the murderer, who'd struck a blow to his stomach, then run off, believing he was dead. But he would be if no cat helped him soon; he was losing blood rapidly. Without medical help, he would die.

He was actually getting too tired to cry out anymore, but he needed his Clanmates to find him, to heal him, or at least to give him a proper burial if he died.

He could feel himself getting light-headed and his breathing grow shallower. He didn't have much more time. But as he opened his mouth to yowl again, a nearby fern rustled. Someone had come for him.

"Who is it?" Frogfoot tried to hide his overwhelming relief.

The cat paused before giving a reply. "I believe we already know each other, Frogfoot," a voice replied flatly. "I must send you to StarClan, and I cannot fail."

The cat leapt out at Frogfoot in a flash of fur and claws. Frogfoot could only raise his forepaws in an attempt to protect himself, but he was too weak and the murderer was too strong, too well-trained. Soon, Frogfoot was dead, his glassy green eyes staring up at nothing.

The murderer raised their head to glare at the sky. Clouds obscured the moon and stars. They knew StarClan didn't approve of their actions- but what could they do? They remembered the sly white and ginger she-cat who had extracted that promise from her. Now, with five warriors dead, she was growing closer and closer to reunion.

"That's another cat dead," the murderer growled. They clawed at the ground in frustration. "What more do you want from me?"


The Clan was in chaos. Since Frostcloud had gone to receive her nine lives and the identity of the deputy was a secret, the Clan had no leader. The news of Frogfoot's death hadn't helped in the slightest.

Splashpelt stiffly approached the body. He stared at it for a while, then abruptly plunged his muzzle in. "We will remember you."

Kestrelface flattened her ears. "This has gone too far. Five of our Clanmates are dead because of the murderer."

The others nodded agreement; they all wanted the murderer to be gone as soon as possible.

Prickleblaze studied the Clan. Every cat was on edge, and all of them wanted nothing more than to expose and exile the murderer. They needed some cat to turn their attention to- some cat to accuse, but with no one knowing who the deputy was, who could host it?

Spiderpool glanced sideways at the ginger tabby she-cat, concern glimmering in her eyes. "What are you looking at?"

"We need a vote," Prickleblaze murmured, half to herself. "But we have no one to officiate it."

"I know." Kestrelface padded up to Prickleblaze. She held herself confidently, although her voice was dulled with grief. "We can talk to one another to compare what we know. If one cat finds enough evidence, they can accuse a cat."

"Oh, that's great!' Prickleblaze smiled tiredly at her Clanmate. "But will everyone-" Her meow trailed away as she noticed the Clan around them; it looked like they'd all heard Kestrelface's proposal.

"Sounds like a plan." Buzzardmist dipped his head to Kestrelface. "Let's hope it works."

The cats proceeded to argue, object, agree, consent, until Splashpelt called out, "I have an accusation."

He climbed to the top of the leader's den. He showed no signs of uncertainty; he fully thought that he would be right. "I believe that the murderer is Spiderpool!"

"Why would you accuse me?" Spiderpool asked frostily. She stood stiff-legged, claws out, tail lashing.

Stoatnose cast her a sidelong glance. "For one, you and only you cast a "guilty" vote in the first voting. Who's to say you weren't desperately trying to shift blame?"

Splashpelt looked down upon the white she-cat, guilt finally showing in his eyes. "And you brought Nightstripe's body back from the forest. What if you killed him when you found him?"

Marshmask hissed at Splashpelt. "Mouse-brain! You're starting to sound like Emberwhisper! Accusing cats just because they found our Clanmate's bodies. That doesn't mean she killed them!"

"And she was probably just paranoid when she voted Frostcloud guilty," Breezewing added calmly.

"Paranoid of her being the culprit, or paranoid of getting discovered?" Buzzardmist hissed.

"Enough!" Kestrelface snapped. "We've all heard the accusation. Spiderpool's been accused, and now her fate lies in our paws. All of you, just decide whether you think she's guilty or innocent!"

Do you think Spiderpool is the murderer? Cast your votes in the comments!

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