Round Two, Scene One

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Eaglestar gazed down mournfully at his fallen Clanmate, the tom's white fur now stained with a dark red color. A small trickle of blood still flowed from his mouth, pooling on the ground. Huddled around the dead warrior were his grieving Clanmates.

"Spottedstorm!" Ryefrost was shaking the tom desperately, trying to wake him. "Please, wake up!" But her efforts were in vain; the tom was already gone. The white and ginger she-cat raised her head to the sky and yowled mournfully. "StarClan, how could you let this happen?"

"May StarClan welcome him into their ranks," Petalfern murmured sadly. She bowed her head in mourning.

Barkfox glared angrily around. "Who would murder their own Clanmate?" Although his exterior seemed furious, it seemed to just be a mask for his fear and sadness.

Cloudfeather marched up to Eaglestar, her expression plainly showing the desire for vengeance- vengeance for her fallen Clanmate. "Eaglestar, I propose we do something about this," she demanded, sweeping her tail towards the newly deceased Spottedstorm. "This isn't the first time a murder has occurred. Spottedstorm deserves vengeance!" Thistlecloud and Smokewhisper shouted encouragement, agreeing fully with the albino she-cat.

Eaglestar flicked his tail restlessly. "Yes, yes. In fact, one of you has come to me with a suggestion on who is responsible for their deaths." Eaglestar shot a look at the cluster of cats. "The accused cat is Shellmist."

"Shellmist!" Ravenflight narrowed his eyes at Eaglestar. "That's a completely baseless, mouse-brained accusation!" He stepped in front of Shellmist, challenging the other cats to deny it. The other cats murmured agreement, but Eaglestar's gaze did not falter.

"I only speak the mind of one of your Clanmates, Ravenflight," Eaglestar meowed firmly. "Since we have no other leads, this is the only thing we can go by." The brown tabby tom swept his gaze across his Clan. "Now, we must hold a vote- do you believe in Shellmist's innocence?" He nodded towards the calico she-cat, who trembled uncontrollably beside Ravenflight.

"If more of you think she is innocent," Eaglestar continued, "she will be allowed to stay in the Clan. Otherwise..." he let his sentence trail off. "You must all make your choice by moonhigh." He slitted his eyes. "Make sure it is the right one."

Comment below if you think Shellmist is guilty or innocent!

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