Round One, Scene One

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"Dovestar! Dovestar, come quick!" Sagesong's panicked meow jolts Dovestar awake. She blinked her eyes lazily.

"What is it, Sagesong?" Dovestar mumbled as the white she-cat burst into her den. She didn't appreciate being woken up from her sleep, so she hoped Sagesong came for something important.

"It's Russetstorm," Sagesong panted. "He-He's been attacked..." Looking over her shoulder, she continues, "He's a-alive, but barely... "

"What?" Dovestar shook herself and followed Sagesong to the clearing. The entire Clan was huddled around a bloodied mess of dark ginger fur- Russetstorm. He was taking alarmingly shallow breaths, and his limbs and tail twitched. A long gash running from his chest to his flank spouted fresh crimson blood. His sister, Shadestripe, was desperately trying to stop the flow of blood with moss and cobwebs, but there was so much blood, it kept coming faster than Shadestripe could stop it.

The dark ginger tabby she-cat looked up at her leader's arrival. "Who could've done this?" she spat. Her green eyes glistened with mingled hate and fear.

"... I don't know," Dovestar admitted quietly. "For now, though, we must focus on saving Russetstorm's life." She nodded to two other warriors. "Juniperheart and Mallowpelt, fetch more cobwebs for us. The rest of us will stay and try to stop Russetstorm from losing too much blood." The two toms immediately rushed into the forest. The other cats shook themselves and spurred into action, efficiently bringing Shadestripe and Dovestar, who stayed in the clearing to watch Russetstorm, more herbs and cobwebs from the medicine cat's den. By the time Juniperheart and Mallowpelt had worn their paws down from running to and from the camp, Russetstorm's breathing had stabilized. His eyes fluttered open weakly. "Wh-What happened?"

"Thank StarClan you're alive!" Shadestripe buried her muzzle into her brother's fur and nuzzled him affectionately. She broke into a loud purr, relieved that Russetstorm didn't die from his wound.

Dovestar smiled, satisfied, and prepared to return to her slumber. However, before she made it back, a voice called, "Dovestar, wait." It was Drizzleleaf's meow.

"What is it, Drizzleleaf?"

Drizzleleaf hesitated. "We must figure out who attacked him. After all, this has happened before. Remember Cedarshine?"

"That's right! Those claw marks are further proof that it was a cat who did it," Hailcloud agreed. "We should uncover them before they can kill anyone else!"

"You are right; it must've been a cat." Dovestar swept her gaze over her warriors. "I have already received an anonymous accusation on who this killer is, but-"

"Tell us who it was." Rosewind said firmly. "Who this cat accused. We have to have some sort of lead in this, don't we?"

The gray she-cat flicked an ear. "Fine. The accused cat is Juniperheart."

The Clan turned to look at the accused tom. His eyes widen in surprise. "What? No, it wasn't me, I promise!"

Dovestar sighs. "The Clan will judge that. Tonight, you must all cast a vote- decide if you think Juniperheart is innocent or guilty. Be careful to choose wisely, because if more of you think he's guilty than innocent, he will be exiled."

Juniperheart swallowed.

"Tell me what you think by tonight," Dovestar finished before returning to her den, both to sleep and to think.

Comment down below whether or not you think Juniperheart is guilty!

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