29: The Last Stand.

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“How could they be gone?!” Thaddias exploded, pacing loudly on the stone floor.

“We’re searching, your Majasty, wherever they are, we’ll find them-”

“You’d better. The longer they’re missing, the more danger we’re in.” The King was panicked.

“Try to relax, your Majesty, we have the upper hand. Caspian and his men will be annihilated the moment we open whatever closet they’re hiding in.”

“No,” His tone has shifted, grown weary. “-they are far too clever for that… Curse that Caspian!”

“Yes, indeed sire, he is a little weasel-” The man, he assumed an adviser, purred.

“Shut up.” Thaddias snapped.

“Yes sire, sorry sire.”

Darian pushed away from the wall with a smirk. How that idiot had ever become a king was beyond him. He turned to his apprentace, who was guarding their backs, and tapped his shoulder, letting him know they were leaving. Herschel nodded and followed him, easily keeping pace beside him.

Once they were safely sealed in the dreaded tunnels once again, he spoke. “We must get word to King Caspian, Thaddias is in the castle, just as we suspected.”

“A pity you did not challenge my bet for the week’s rations.” Herschel commented as they made their way through the darkness.

“Why, do I look like I need to lose the weight?” Darian asked, his tone warning the young man to think carefully about his answer.

“Oh no, sir. I just thought that perhaps if you were a little smaller, that would be slightly underweight sir, then these tunnels may not feel so clastraphobic for you.”

Darian fought a smile at the crafty answer, but still felt the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. “Indeed.”

*    *   *

He’s nervous. Good. As the Black Knights gathered, he debated with himself over the next course of action. He could feel the nervous energy building as the group waited for his decision. Finally, he took a deep breath.

“Alright, men, this is it, our last stand. That is, that we’re aware of.” He allowed a small smile.

He moved to the map, where he had marked each of the safest tunnel exits into the castle. Before the war, every batalion was only aware of one tunnel entrance, a safeguard against rebellions.

But now time was crucial, so he was giving the men new knowledge, though these were far from all the entrances.

“We move out in threes, one man staying in the tunnels, the others setting up bariarers to ensure those grabbing the King aren’t snuck up on. If someone raises the alarm, your first priority is to protecting the tunnels, then getting your team out. If this occures, the third man will be carrying a trumpet. When the trumpet sounds, it’s time to go, success or not. The third man in your team will alert you to the trumpet. Meet back here, either way. Questions?”

The men shook their heads, silent. Caspian nodded. “Good. We move out as soon as it’s dark. Now, is there an extra suit of silent armour?” Hiram nodded, motioning to his own.

The men gathered their weapons, checking that it was tight while the King strapped on the gear…

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