46: Late Night.

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It took a while before Caspian reappeared, and when he did, The Three were waiting for him. But the King just waved them off, escorting the Princess back to wherever she had been before.

Isidro began been pacing nervously, while they discussed how to handle things. Jamaal listened to their worrying for a while, somewhat amused by the various assumptions. Finally he interjected, sensing the growing concern for the King's mental health.

"-set up certain rules for at what point we should begin acting on our own-" Isidro was saying, but Jamaal interrupted him.

"Enough!" He ordered quietly, silencing both of them. Hiram and Isidro turned their attention to him in surprise at the order. While Isidro was the one in charge of the trio, Jamaal was the one who influenced them, just as Hiram was the one who handled the battle stuff.

He focused his gaze on the pair of them, well aware of how sensitive the current conversation was. They had just been discussing the point at which they would essentially take over the kingdom without Caspian's consent for goodness sake!

"Do you even hear yourselves? This is Caspian we're talking about. He may have been rather predictible over the last few years while figuring out how to be King, but he's been becoming more and more like his old self over time." He paused, gathering his thoughts again. "The old Caspian was always a little odd. He enjoys messing with our minds, always has. Why is his odd reaction so surprising?"

Isidro's brow tightened, eyes narrowing at his words. "So you think there's something going on that we don't know about?"

"Think about it. There was no surprise whatsoever when you told him about Thaddias and Damon. I think he already suspected, just as we did."

"But we were still somewhat alarmed." Isidro pointed out.

"So Caspian must have some kind of a plan." Jamaal suggested. Isidro and Hiram exchanged glances, but before they could say anything more, Caspian walked in. Jamaal immediatly began to study him, but his face revealed nothing...

* * *

"Let me send out a party to find him." Isidro requested, but Caspian shook his head.

"No. Give him time."

"Herschel has been missing for three days! If we don't send out a rescue party he'll be killed!"

"Just wait." Caspian ordered, unrelenting. Hiram could see Isidro losing his restraint, just as he was. His fists tightened, jaw clenching.

The knight took a step closer to the King, raising a hand to point at him. "If he dies, his blood is on your hands!" Isidro growled, proceeding to stalk out the room in rage.

Hiram glanced at Caspian, whos face remained unreadable. He shook his head and followed Isidro out, equally angry. The only reason his mouth stayed shut was because he wasn't accustomed to being the spokesperson.

He didn't bother making eye contact with the guards in the hall as he passed, and they stepped back, making sure they were out of his way as they sensed his bad mood. He went out to the courtyard, dispite the fading light, needing to unleash his anger on some poor, unsuspecting traine.

Not to his surprise, he found Isidro already awaiting him in the arena, sword in hand. Without a word, he drew his own sword and climbed over the rails. Within seconds, the sound of their clashing blades filled the evening air...

* * *

He'd angered them. He knew he had, but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment. They would just have to learn to trust him again. Since he'd become King, they had forgotten who he was. They needed to realize that the only thing that had changed was that he had more duties, and didn't have time to fool around much.

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