Chapter 54: Cold Feet.

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He noticed the crowd parting and turned to find Caspian and Hiram approaching them, a much larger crowd following. The pair climbed into the arena, which thankfully was on a raised platform so all could see better, and drew their swords.

He studied the pair as they circled. Hiram was larger, vicious, but Caspian was wiser, quick to spot weaknesses. It would be a close match. He wondered which quality would win; speed, or creativity.

The flag dropped, and Hiram charged! Caspian blocked and dodged blows, rapidly being driven back. Near the edge of the arena, he planted his right foot. He’s done giving up ground. Sure enough, Caspian ducked the next swing and drove his shoulder into Hiram’s stomach, shoving the man back. Using his momentum, he spun aside, ducking under the big man’s arm.

The crowd roared as Caspian ended up behind Hiram. The King kicked the back of his knee, driving him down. Hiram hit the platform and rolled aside quickly, avoiding Caspian’s sword. He rolled onto his feet and attacked again, more carefully this time.

Isidro watched as the two went back and forth, exchanging attacks, each growing more cunning and rapid than the last. He hardly noticed as the heat of day grew, focused entirely on the battle.

Only when the pair was drenched in sweat did they call a truce. He watched as the two walked off together. He wondered, if they were in a real battle against each other, who would win? They would never know.

Caspian approached them and Isidro left Tamar with him, returning to his post by the arena. The crowd dispersed and the next match began, and Isidro started calling out instructions to the younger knights, correcting their mistakes.

But he quickly found himself distracted by his own thoughts. Caspian was acting as though this was their home, and showed no signs of planning to leave. Had he simply forgotten that they could leave now? Or had he forgotten about Rayndra?

The people needed their King to return, he’d heard as much from Sinati, and he was sure that Caspian had been told the same. So why the lack of reaction? Isidro blinked, trying to return his focus to the battle before him. But it was pointless. He had been thoroughly distracted.

He waved over another older knight and instructed him to take over, searching for the King and Princess. Finally he spotted them entering the castle. He passed Hiram and Jamaal, who tilted their heads slightly, catching on that something was on his mind. 

He ignored them and went into the castle, heading up the stairs. He spotted Tamar walking alone towards the study, and turned. He knew where Caspian would likely be, if not with Tamar. 

He reached the castle balcony, and saw a lone figure standing there, staring off into the distance. His friend had long ago become accustomed to spending his time that way, it was as though it helped him think.

He approached quietly, trying to figure out what was going through his friend’s mind. But before he could decide the approach to take, Caspian turned his head slightly, glancing at him. “What is it?”

Isidro thought carefully, approaching until he was beside his friend, leaning against the railing. “What’s our next move?” 

Caspian raised an eyebrow, seeming to know there was something else behind the question. “We continue training the staff until they are ready-”

“They are ready.” He interrupted, frustration peeking through his self-control. Caspian stopped, turning to him, waiting. Isidro let out a slow breath, pushing the frustration down. “Caspian, we need to return to Rayndra. There’s not much more we can do for Adrelawin, but our home is in shambles. The people need their King.”

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