Chapter 7

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Upon waking up, Ajana realized that it was already nighttime, and she was surprised by herself since she was never into day naps.

However, once her head cleared, she remembered everything that had happened to her, and it became clear that the nap was necessary for her brain to process everything. There was so much new information to be processed, and Ajana was impressed that her head didn't explode.

Wallace was there immediately as if he could sense when she was awake, which he probably could, having in mind how powerful he was.

It was strange for Ajana to reconcile the two images she had of Wallace in her head. There was her friend Wallace who was great, but there was also his mighty side that she didn't know how to reconcile with the broken-winged owl she first met.

At times she spoke with him normally, treating him like her friend, which he was, but sometimes... It was hard to find the right words once she remembered who he was, besides being her friend.

"How do you address the most powerful being in this world?" Ajana couldn't help wondering.

It felt like there was a great distance between the two of them that Ajana sometimes forgot about. However, upon remembering, she felt a bit more clumsy and awkward around him.

Although she was aware that he was still the same person, well the same owl, she had trouble addressing him the same way at times.

"So, are you feeling better now? Ready for some more magical places to visit?" Wallace asked, trying to sound as upbeat as he could.

"To be honest, I am not sure. I feel a bit better now, I can accept that this is real, but I don't think I am ready for any big magic right now." Ajana replied honestly.

"That is understandable, don't worry about it. Many people face the same issues, that is why I came up with a wise idea. Get it, wise? Because I am an owl, and we are thought of as being wise." Wallace said, trying to lighten up the mood, but she could barely muster a weak smile.

"Okay, I see. You are still a bit anxious about all the new and unusual things you might see and experience. Let me assure you that it is absolutely normal to feel that way. That is why I always offer two options to the newcomers. There is a premium magical experience and regular magical experience." Wallace said.

At that exact moment, Ajana burst out in laughter.

"Premium magical experience!?" Ajana asked, finding that very funny.

She couldn't stop chuckling at the extremely formal names of such magical things.

"Yes, yes, I know," Wallace said, sounding slightly exasperated.

"However, most of the beings that come through here come from the worlds similar to yours, and it's easier for them to understand that kind of vocabulary at first," Wallace added.

Wallace had to wait for quite some time until Ajana was calm enough for him to explain what it all meant.

He wasn't angry with her because it was a reaction he was familiar with. It was different for everyone, some cried, some laughed, and some were ready to go on the moment they arrived.

After making sure that she was done laughing her head off, Wallace went on with his explanation.

"As I was saying, there are two different paths we can take. One is the path that leads to the castle and all the wonders available there, I call that the premium magical experience. It's the one where you get to see and feel many of the things this world has to offer. It can sometimes be overwhelming, but it is truly breathtaking.

"Once you experience all that, you are well on your way of becoming a different person because it inevitably changes you. It changes the way you see the world and your place in it. Also, it alters who you are since you start to realize that you belong to the world of incredible beauty, and you need to find your place in it. That can be a challenge sometimes because you are like a baby learning about the world as it truly is for the first time. Thus, it can be very adventurous but also incredibly rewarding. " Wallace explained.

"What about the other path?" Ajana asked, slightly terrified of the premium experience.

No matter how enchanting it sounded, she wasn't sure she was ready for all that just yet.

"The other path is actually the path that leads to my house," Wallace said, smiling.

"Wait, I thought you lived in the castle? Aren't the owls the most powerful beings here?" Ajana asked with a quizzical expression on her face.

"To answer your questions, no and yes. Basically, we, the owls, are the most powerful beings in here, but we don't actually like living in the castle. We find it too constricting. I mean, no matter how much magic we possess, we are still owls, and we need our freedom and comfort.

"Most of all, I need a place that is far enough from all the fanfare to be quiet but close enough for me to be able to arrive quickly if some problems arise. That is why I have this magical little spot in the nearby forest that I call home. It is a beautiful place, but it is not too miraculous, although it is still a sight to see. There is a lot of magic, but it is somehow more subtle, and we found it to be more soothing for the beings who come from the worlds with no magic.

"Of course, it is far from ordinary, but it is still easier to digest, and there aren't many magical beings around. After we get the newcomers there, I usually start introducing them to some magical beings, step by step. When they feel comfortable enough, I reveal to them all the unimaginable things that this world can brag of. What do you think, my friend? Which path sounds better to you?"

"Well, although the premium one sounds simply perfect, I think it would be a bit too much for me now. Even though I have believed in many miraculous things, I don't think I am ready for such a magical overflow. I think going to your house sounds like an ideal path for me. Also, I will get the chance to visit my friend's house, which is always a plus for me." Ajana said, feeling much better knowing she wouldn't have to take everything in at once.

"Great choice!" Wallace said enthusiastically, and off they went.

Instead of going down the road straight towards the castle, following the yellow brick road, they took a small grassy path between two flower fields.

As soon as they reached the forest, it became clear to Ajana that it was no ordinary forest. Even though it was nighttime, she could clearly see the path through it because it was illuminated by the mesmerizing flowers. They were shimmering brightly and dazzling her with their beauty.

It was clear that they were magical flowers, and they were simply buzzing with energy and beauty. Every flower had a different kind of light around it, but together they made a perfect blend of colors and shapes.

Some huge red flowers shone brightly and also some yellow and green ones. It seemed as if the magic was in them but also like there was so much magic inside that it was leaking out in the form of beautiful red, yellow, and green magic dust clouds.

Surprisingly enough, there were also some colorful mushrooms, which were mostly red with a lot of patterns on them in different colors that made Ajana's eyes confused. She wasn't able to figure out where one color began, and the other ended. However, it didn't actually matter because it was stunning.

It was the most colorful display of lights she had ever seen, especially in a forest, and the smell surrounding the flowers was indescribable. At times, she thought it reminded her of freshly baked cookies that had just come out of the oven. But at other times, it smelt like a perfect winter day and hot chocolate with marshmallows.

"Those are the flowers of good memories and mushrooms of pleasant emotions," Wallace said.

That was when everything started to make sense to Ajana, as much as it could in an enchanting world that she reached through a magical portal after finding out she was a witch.  

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