Chapter 28

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The moment Ajana reached the fairy she made a quick assessment of the fairy's condition and was happy to note that there were no obvious severe injuries that would require professional help because she had no idea how that worked in the magical world.
She was pretty sure they couldn't just call 911 and wait for the help to arrive.

Although there were no indications of any serious injuries, Ajana still had to do full body examination to make sure that her assessment was correct.
As she was checking the fairy for injuries she tried to keep up a conversation with her to make sure that the fairy was calm and still while she did what needed to be done.

"Hi, my name is Ajana. What is your name?" Ajana asked.
"Rose." The fairy replied.
"How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?" Ajana asked.
"I feel some pain in my legs and hands, but I think my wings softened the fall." The fairy said.
"Okay Rose tell me if at any point you feel pain," Ajana said.
She performed head to toe assessment, that is to say, the physical examination of Rose the way she was taught during her first aid training.

Being one of the best ones attending that course helped her stay calm in a situation where others might have panicked.
While she did the palpitation checks she paid close attention to the fairy and her reactions, whether she felt any pain or not.
She noticed that there were a few sore spots, but nothing too serious in the upper part of Rose's body so Ajana proceeded to check the lower parts when she noticed that there was a small amount of blood starting to seep into the dress.

Rose must have been in too much shock to notice the bleeding but Ajana knew it required immediate attention.
Ajana moved quickly and figured out that the bleeding was coming out of the fairy's leg.
Once she established what the problem was she quickly sprang to action with no questions or doubt just the determination to help as soon as possible to spare the poor fairy any additional pain.

"I need help," Ajana said to the others who just stood there not doing anything to help in any way or form.
She didn't have time to think how strange it was that none of the teachers or older students were helping out, she was just focused on the one in need of her help.
"Get me a clean cloth! I need one of you to apply pressure to stop this bleeding while I check the rest of her body," Ajana said.

At first no one reacted, and to everyone's surprise, Kieran was the one who stepped out to help her out.
Ajana didn't even register it was him since her focus was her patient, nothing else mattered.

"Apply pressure on her wound and be careful to apply enough pressure but not too much." She said without looking at him.
"I know what I am doing. I have done this before." He said with a grim expression Ajana couldn't see.
Upon realizing it was Kieran who came to help her, she let him take care of the bleeding since she was sure he had a lot of experience doing that, having in mind what was happening in his world.

As for Ajana, she proceeded with her check, satisfied that Kieran was helping out since stopping the bleeding would take up some time, and she wanted to carefully check the rest of the fairy's body for any severe injuries.
It seemed like a bad fall and Rose was lucky she didn't get even more hurt in the process.
Checking her other leg Ajana heard the fairy inhale sharply.

"Does that hurt?" She asked gently.
"A bit," Rose replied.
As she moved the fairy's dress to the side, Ajana noticed a few small cuts that weren't bleeding a lot, but still, they needed to be taken care of.

"I need some water." She said.
Soon enough she was handed a goblet filled with water and a clean cloth.
She carefully cleaned the cuts doing her best not to cause Rose any additional pain.
After she finished that, Ajana was happy to note that Rose didn't have any additional injuries and that Kieran was applying pressure so well that the wound already wasn't bleeding as much as it was bleeding before.

Ajana couldn't help but wonder if Kieran had used some of his magic because it seemed to her that the wound stopped bleeding very quickly.
Whatever the case might be, Ajana was just happy that they took care of everything. It gave her such pleasure to be able to help a creature in need that she for a moment she thought all was well with the world.

She sighed in relief when she noticed what she assumed was a water nymph since she looked exactly how Ajana imagined a water nymph would look like.
Her whole body seemed to be made of water and was fluid and restless although she did seem to try to keep a human-like appearance not to frighten the new students.
Another thing that gave away what she was a nymph was the sound of murmuring water that was coming from her general direction as she approached them.
Her hair swayed like an actual wave while she was approaching their position and Ajana couldn't help but stare at her perfect, pure features.

By the wide space, people gave her Ajana assumed she had a high status in the society, and having in mind the current situation Ajana was certain that the nymph was a healer.
When the nymph addressed Ajana and Kieran it was like listening to the most relaxing mountain spring gurgling quietly as it went by.
Ajana couldn't even register what words the nymph was saying, but they sounded like the most beautiful thing she had ever heard.

"She thanks us for our help, but says she would take it from here." Kieran, who was fluent in many languages, told Ajana.
Ajana wasn't sure where the nymph had come from, but she sure was glad that there was someone far more qualified than she was to help out.
Leaving the fairy in nymph's care, Ajana headed for the door and thus failed to see the flickering in the room and both the fairy and the nymph disappearing like they were never there to start with.
If she had seen it, it would have reminded her of holograms that she sometimes saw in the movies.

As Ajana and Bluebells entered the hallway, with him talking excitedly about his own test, which, not surprisingly, singled him out as the one predetermined for flying and any similar type of magic. That included the hovering balls as well.
Not only did he do that test perfectly, but he also had a lot of fun making the balls dance in the air.

"It's not fair! Why couldn't I be good at one thing, at least one thing?!" She thought equal measures sad and mad.
However, she tried to stay upbeat for Bluebells, because she was genuinely happy for him, but she couldn't help but worry about her own faith in the world of magic.
She couldn't help but wonder what kind of magical being showed no promise whatsoever in any type of magic, nothing but mild levitating that wasn't even so well performed.

Soon enough she had to say goodbye to Bluebells since she had Spell Casting as her next class and that wasn't a class Bluebells had.
The fact that she had to spend that whole class with no one there to cheer her up made her even sadder, and she wished she had done better on the tests.
Maybe that would have lifted her spirits, and she would have been able to approach the spell casting with as much enthusiasm as she had for it while she was in her own world watching it in the movies and TV shows.

Surprisingly enough she noticed Kieran going in the same direction as she was.
She noticed that they had most of their classes together, she thought that it might have even been possible they had all classes together, and she found that a bit strange.
It was impossible that it was all a coincidence, so she had a feeling that Wallace had something to do with their schedules perfectly matching.

Reaching the door of the classroom, she decided to confront Wallace after school about it.
As she opened the door, a new wonder awaited her inside.

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