Chapter 10

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Wallace started his storytelling with an origin story thinking it would be good to start from the beginning.

That particular story was a legend about the time long ago, and no one could tell with certainty if the story was true or not. With time, the details changed, but the story was present as long as any of the magical beings could remember. How much of it was the truth and how much was fiction was a topic of many debates, but Wallace believed that it didn't matter.

It didn't matter if it was truth or fiction, it was still a part of his world, and he loved telling the story. It was one of his favorite stories and the one he recounted in the most beautiful way possible.

Many youngsters who have heard him tell the story said that they were not sure what it was about his storytelling that made it so magical, but that it was.

It wasn't the words he used or the way he used them. There was an atmosphere in the room that made them feel like the story was part of who they were and not just the storytelling of an old owl. It was like he enchanted them with the tale without even trying.

That was one of the reasons Wallace was asked to tell the story many times, which he didn't mind at all.

After all, it was his favorite one and, in his opinion, the most representative of his world.

With a spark in his eye, Wallace started the tale.

"A long, long time ago, when the universe was still young, and we were not even an idea yet, there was the Great Father Owl.

"He was all alone traveling through the vast space of nothingness. It was very burdensome to do so. That is why he decided to make his travels a bit more exciting.

"He wanted to travel through something. He didn't want to move through nothingness. The problem was, he couldn't decide what he wanted the most. His mind was almighty, but that was the problem.

"He had too many ideas and notions. How could he choose one?

"That was the reason he decided to create everything. Everything he ever thought of, everything he ever wanted to become was made real.

"However, he had so many ideas that even the enormous space surrounding him wasn't enough. There was a need deep down in his heart to create more, to be more than just an owl wandering through time and space.

"Thus, he created the Big Bang from which it all started. All the planets and stars, all the meteors and comets, but it still wasn't enough. He needed to create more.

"It felt like he would explode if he didn't create, if he didn't make something new and unique. That is why he created a vast number of diverse planets with so many different beings living on them.

"Even after doing that, his creativity kept going.

He created worlds inside the worlds that shared the same space but a different plane. That was how he came upon the idea to form Mag. It was just another idea in the sea of ideas, but he never expected it to become so much more than that. However, it did.

Great Father Owl was all alone in that enormous wonder that he built, so he created all the living beings. Some of them were created in his likeness but with a lot of different looks and attitudes. That was how the barn owl, great horned owl, and all the others came to be.

He made everyone special. They were all equally dear to his heart. Big or small, they were all beautiful in their way and made the creation even more amazing.

Great Father Owl had had enough of blandness and nothingness, so his creations were as unique and as diverse as his superior mind could imagine.

He created humans, animals, plants, witches, elves, and so on. Then, he was ready to enjoy the harmonious life he had created. And for a while, everything was just perfect. It was all the way he imagined it, happy, diverse, and wonderfully exciting.

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