Chapter 23

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"Long time ago when the worlds were still young the Elfin kingdom was one of prosperity and joy. Elves were known as strong and capable, but also kind and just beings." Wallace started his tale.
"Most of them lived in the forests of Bacija, that spread across the larger part of their world, and they were at the same time the forest's fiercest protectors.
The life was mostly peaceful, but they were also skillful warriors when the need arose, which was quite rare at the time.
They were the people of the forest, and they respected nature more than anything else.

Although the worlds were still young they were among the first ones to discover other worlds and start trading with them.
The elf magic is a strong one and it is no wonder they were among the first ones to reach the Inbetween .
They were skillful traders, and they always did their best to respect others' cultures and customs.
That made them well-respected and loved across the worlds, and they did their best to preserve that opinion about themselves by continuing to treat different beings with the same amount of respect.

However, after a very long rule, the great elfin king Rut Ar, passed from this reality to join the Great Father Owl.
His rule was one of the most peaceful ones known to the elves and had lasted for a few hundred years.
The land mourned his death for ten days, but finally, the new king was chosen.
The chosen elf was considered to be a great leader with a lot of creative outlets that were considered to be an advantage if they wanted to improve their trading business.

It was thought that under his rule there would be peace and prosperity in the land.
His name was Flo Da and at first, he seemed to be an impressive leader.
He managed to reconcile all the smaller feuds amongst his people and showed genuine care for his subjects.
The problems started occurring when other beings started visiting Aguene, the land of the elves.

At first, the king showed the slightest disapproval of the strange visitors, but when he learned that some of his subjects bonded for life with those beings his disapproval turned into hatred.
Once he found out that a half-breed was born, half-elf, half-witch he went into a frenzy.
Only then did he learn, that it wasn't such a rare occurrence. That was when the Purity Law was first made.
The law forbade the union of elves with any other beings and the punishment was ten years spent in the deepest caves of horror without any interaction with other elves.

As we all know, love is not something you can control so the law was broken many times.
Enraged Flo Da closed the borders, ordering his most powerful elves to put a strong enchantment on the portal to stop any beings from entering or exiting his kingdom.
But that was not enough for him, he wanted to prove that the elf race was the most powerful one in existence, in all the known worlds.
That was when he decided to conquer other worlds.

For you see, his elves could put up or down the enchantment as need be and it was perfectly safe. They could leave and come back with the kingdom safely tucked in behind the barrier.
Not fully understanding the king's orders, the elf army followed them nonetheless since they were loyal to the crown.

After a while, some of them started questioning the orders, they needed to know what they fought for.
That was when they were convinced by the king and his counselors that they were defending their kingdom before the other beings could attack.
They talked about the spies who brought the news of the worlds that were planning to attack and similar untrue events.
Believing in the truth of the king's words, since the previous kings never lied, their attacks became even more vicious.

They believed that those were the people who wanted to destroy their world, their way of life.
It was easy for them to slaughter them since it meant preventing something like that from happening to their own wives and children, sisters and mothers.
Also, they considered that the more vicious attacks would deter the beings of different worlds from even thinking of attacking their world.
It never even occurred to them that no one could go past the magical barrier they created, it would mean to question the king, to question his words and that was unheard-of.

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