Chapter 47

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The beings present were quite diverse, but the general expression on their faces was one of grim determination.

Still, more than a few of them were startled by the entrance of their animal selves. After all, they didn't expect a wolf and a chimpanzee, but two relatively defenseless children.

"Change back immediately!" Bob yelled.

Only then did they even notice that their headmaster was there. That probably had something to do with the fact that he was hiding in the shadows before that moment.

"I am sorry, headmaster, but we can't. We were doing our homework, we chose transformation, and as you well know, we have to wait for it to wear off. Only then can we go back to our old selves." Kieran said calmly.

"I don't care what you have to say! Turn back! I don't want a wolf attacking me...I mean us!" Bob said.

"Calm down, my friend. They will not attack us, or harm us in any way. Besides, you know that I am more than powerful enough to stop both of them." Wallace said landing on his shoulder.

"Yes, but..." Bob went on.

Suddenly the temperature in the room dropped drastically, and a steely expression settled on Wallace's feathery face.

"Do you dare doubt me?" Wallace said.

His voice cut through the room like a knife through butter. The chatter in the room came to a sudden stop as everyone held their breath at the implication that Bob was making.

"No, no. Of course, not. I am sorry. If you say that we are safe, then it has to be true." Bob said meekly.

Everyone let out a breath of relief as the temperature in the room went back to normal. It was obvious that although Wallace was nice and kind, he could be very strict and scary.

"What is going on? Why would anyone be afraid of us, in one form or the other." Ajana asked.

"They think Kieran and you might lash out when you hear the news." Wallace calmly replied.

"Tell me. What's going on?" Ajana asked.

"Mag has decided. Kieran will be given over to the elves." Wallace said.

"No! No! No!" Ajana yelled.

"How can beings of light make such a dark decision?" She asked.

Kieran nuzzled his snout in her chimpanzee self's side trying to calm her down.

He knew that there were no words that could do so, since he was also furious at the situation, but still, he was hoping that physical contact would give Ajana some relief from her anger.

"When do you plan on delivering me to those murderers? How much time do I have?" Kieran asked.

"We promised to deliver you to them as soon as possible. I am truly sorry Kieran, but the majority has decided. We have to go, soon." Wallace said with regret.

"Surely you can't do that, especially having in mind our transformation. You have to wait, at least until the potion wears off." Ajana said.

It was obvious that she was trying to buy time. Any delay that she could get would give her more time to try to find a way out of the situation, but from the stone faces of people surrounding her, it was obvious that there would be no delay.

"No more waiting! You think we don't know all of it is just a trick! IT probably controls you, the same way its ancestors controlled your people." Bob yelled.

"Enough!" Wallace said.

"I need a word alone with Ajana. Since I know you would all go into a state of panic if we leave the room, we will have the conversation here. So, both her and I will look a bit absent-minded since I will be talking with her in her head.

Don't do anything until I tell you so. Understood?" Wallace asked.

Panic was often known to cause smart people to do incredibly stupid things, and he didn't want that to happen while he was trying to explain things to Ajana. He had to give explicit orders so that his authority would hold enough weight to stop them from making mistakes.

After all, although there were many wise owls in Mag, Wallace's friends, but he was still the most respected one. Probably it had to do with the fact that he actively tried to protect all the beings while his brethren weren't as enthusiastic as he was.

Most people nodded their heads in agreement, but not Bob. He was too busy staring daggers at Ajana and Kieran which worried Wallace.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one does anything stupid," Cassie promised guessing his thoughts.

Having her promise was all he needed. He knew that she was one of the rare people in Mag who didn't hold a grudge against the whole elf species. She judged beings on their own merits, she saw them as individuals and not as the whole of their species.

Besides, no matter how gentle she seemed, she was more powerful than everyone in there, except for Wallace.

"Okay, now I am talking only to you, Ajana. I know you are angry, but I can't go against the wishes of the people." Wallace said.

"But why? Why would they betray anyone when they are supposed to protect everyone, no matter what?" Ajana asked.

"They are scared, my dear. Well, they are terrified. The last time the elves invaded our territory, many people died, their loved ones, their friends. They don't want to see the history repeat itself, and they've convinced themselves that Kieran is not worth saving, that he was born evil. Of course, that's not true, but they have to believe that because the alternative is terrifying. It's horrifying for them to admit that they would sacrifice a young life because they are cowards." Wallace said.

There was no bitterness in his voice, he was just stating the facts. It made Ajana enraged.

"But can they really see their fear as a reason enough to kill an innocent elf!?" Ajana asked.

"Unfortunately, they do. You and I both know that it's not a good enough reason for murder, nothing is.

But you don't have to worry Kieran is not going to die, not as long as I am alive.

I will secretly go with him and protect him as much as I can. " Wallace said.

"But won't they just kill you, as well? I mean there are a lot more of them than you." Ajana asked.

"They would, if they saw me, but I have my ways to stay hidden," Wallace said.

Ajana was devastated by the injustice that was about to be done to Kieran. She realized that she couldn't just let it go, that was not how she was raised. Her father taught her to stand up for others, and that was what she was planning on doing.

"I am coming with you!" She said with determination.

"You cannot do that. It's too dangerous there, and you haven't yet learned how to voluntarily use your magic." Wallace said.

"I know. I guess I'll figure it out as we go along. Besides, seeing someone in danger seems to stimulate my powers.

Listen, I know it's stupid and reckless, but I can't just walk away, especially not after learning what my people did.

My connection with all the living beings can come as an advantage, I might be able to do more than we both think.

I am coming one way or the other." Ajana said.

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