Chapter 52

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As they entered the main area of the secret hideout, Ajana was so confused that she just stood there staring, trying to make sense of what she saw. Her mind couldn't wrap itself around the impossibility of what stood before her.

At magic school, she learned that most of the unusual things she saw were either illusions or they were teleported to another place. However, she could feel that what she saw at that moment was as real as she was.

Huge trees stood inside the enormous cave, proudly defying all the logic.

From the energy emanating from them, it was obvious that they were imbued with magic. Still, Ajana thought that even magic had to have its limitations. One of them being no huge trees inside the caves hidden behind waterfalls. Yet, what she saw appeared to be limitless.

The forest of Bacija, or at least part of it, stood in front of Ajana. It was as if she could see Wallace's story coming to life, and the feeling was somehow different than she expected.

She thought it would be easier to adapt, knowing what she knew about magical worlds and their histories, but it wasn't.

"Wallace, it's been a while." A booming voice addressed Wallace.

It snapped Ajana back to reality, and for the first time since their arrival, she focused her attention on a person rather than a place. Usually, beings were her first and foremost priority, but the beauty of the place was too magical to resist. She guessed that her brain was struggling to process everything since there were so many things to take in.

Once she shifted her focus on the elf who looked at Wallace with unexpected grimness, she started realizing why they were seen by many as light elves.

It wasn't their appearance. It was quite an ordinary one for an elf. But there was a certain amount of bright energy that radiated from their souls, in Ajana's world people called that aura.

Whatever it was, the elves had such a bright energy that even Ajana, although inexperienced in magic, could see it.

The elf that addressed them, was the most radiant of them all, so much so that his black hair was lighter and his eyes took up an even lighter shade of blue than possible.

"Ajana, you remember my friend, Mailliw Ecallaw?" Wallace asked.

"Yes, of course. It's nice to meet you." Ajana said.

"Nice to meet you, too. You come to us in quite an interesting form, my child. Still, I can see that your heart is pure, and that's all I need to know." Mailliw said, taking in her chimpanzee appearance.

Not knowing what to say, Ajana just smiled at the elf.

"Anyway, since we're finished with pleasantries, can you tell me, what in the name of the Forest, happened? You assured me that my son would be safe in your world! Why wasn't he?" Mailliw said, looking at Wallace.

"Your son? Kieran is your son?" Ajana interrupted without meaning to do so.

"Yes. Well, I suppose I forgot to mention a few things, but yes Kieran is Mailliw's son. We thought it would be a sign of goodwill to arrange for the son of the leader of The Elfin Cause to be the one to prove the valor of all the elves." Wallace said.

Ajana was stunned into silence by the revelation. It made sense that Kieran was never truly able to relax, he probably couldn't afford that luxury. Being the leader's son must have been a huge burden.

"To answer your question Mailliw, he was safe in my world, the trouble started when we came to yours," Wallace said.

"Wallace," Mailliw said.

In that one word, the voice of a powerful leader could be heard, and Ajana realized that she had the honor of seeing something that many never had the chance to see, two powerful leaders standing face to face, each one powerful in equal measure.

"I realize what you mean. However, you know as well as I do that I can't influence the minds of my people. They are terrified, and you know that they have every right to be so.

The bad seed has polluted your land but mine as well, though in a different manner." Wallace said.

"You are right my friend, forgive me. It's not your people's fault for fearing the monsters. I just wish they could distinguish between us and them." Mailliw said.

"It's quite alright, you were worried about your son. That is my wish as well, my friend." Wallace answered.

"Honestly, there are some days when it feels like we will never be able to put an end to Flo Da's rule. I have already lost some of my children and friends. I am not sure how much more I am ready to give to the cause. I know it's a righteous one, but I can't help but wonder if I am fighting a losing battle.

Then there are days when I remember my ancestor when I remember Ruth Ar, and I fell like I owe him to bring our land, to bring Augene, back to its former glory." Mailliw said.

"You know as well as I do, that Ruth Ar would be proud of you for making the right choice in standing up to those who wish to harm others, but even the great leader, himself, couldn't have given more to the cause than you already have.

All we can ever do is try our best and hope that fate smiles upon us." Wallace said.

"Wait a minute, if your ancestor is Ruth Ar doesn't that make you royalty?" Ajana asked Kieran.

"Well technically yes, but we haven't lived as royals for a long time. What my family is now, is a family of freedom fighters.

One day, if freedom is achieved, when it is achieved, we will give the elves a choice. They will be able to accept us as royalty or reject us. It will be the will of the people." Kieran said.

For the first time since she met him, Ajana could see that he truly was royalty. Not by name or title, but by honor and bravery.

In Ajana's world, there were some royalties, but they meant nothing, they were just empty shells of their former glory.

Listening to Kieran speak felt real, and she could feel genuine respect towards his family.

"Well said, my son. I guess we have taught you well.

The ruler who is not accepted by the people is not the true ruler, he is a tyrant. The last thing our land needs is another tyrant. That is why we plan to give people back their freedom and let them decided what they want to do with it. That's our duty as royals." Mailliw said.

It was the first time Ajana believed that a person involved in ruling the country was honest, and she vowed to herself that she would do anything she could to help them achieve their goals.

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