Chapter 13

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The party was fun, with a lot of delicious types of food and drinks. Food had always been Ajana's weakness, so she enjoyed herself immensely.

The food in Mag was much better than anything she had ever tried before, and she couldn't stop herself from trying out many tasty dishes. Soon enough, she was so full that she could barely breathe. Still, she made some room for the yummy desserts that, in her opinion, were pure magic. They were sweet and creamy and simply mouthwatering.

As Ajana was stuffing yet another cookie in her mouth, Wallace landed on her shoulder.

"Slow down, my dear, you'll get a stomachache. Besides, the headmaster wants to meet you, so you might want to clean up a bit. You have chocolate all over your face." Wallace said affectionately.

Instead of using a napkin, like her mother always taught her, Ajana tried to lick the chocolate off, not wanting to waste even the smallest morsel of it. Wallace couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"Use the napkin. He'll be here any minute now, and don't worry, I predict a lot more sweets in your future," Wallace said.

Finally, Ajana realized she was being ridiculous, so she cleaned her face with a napkin, and she did it just in the nick of time.

The moment she put the napkin down, the headmaster appeared.

He was tall and had a stern expression on his face. It was immediately clear to Ajana that he was a serious man who didn't tolerate any nonsense.

As his figure towered over her, Ajana couldn't help but feel intimidated.

"Ajana, this is Mr. Brown, your new headmaster. Mr. Brown, this is Ajana, the new student from Earth." Wallace said formally.

"Sir," was all Ajana managed to say before she was rudely interrupted.

"Earth, such a dreadful place, Earth." Mr. Brown said with contempt.

"You have visited Earth, sir?" Ajana couldn't help but ask.

"No, goodness me, I would never visit such a savage place." Mr. Brown said.

Wallace could see that Ajana was preparing to say something, and knowing it wasn't anything good, he was quick to intervene.

"I apologize, Mr. Brown, you must be very busy. Thank you for your time, I am grateful you spared your precious time to meet the new student." Wallace said.

Ajana could see that Wallace was pretending to respect the guy, it was clear to her that he disliked the headmaster. The headmaster, however, didn't seem to notice anything odd, and just nodded his head goodbye.

"Wow, that is one grumpy headmaster," Ajana said the moment he was out of earshot.

"Bob is...different. He has a unique view of the world that most of us don't share. That fact annoys him more than he would like to admit. But don't worry, you won't be seeing him often. Only if you get in trouble, which I am hoping won't happen." Wallace stated firmly.

"Wait a minute," Ajana said, barely containing her laughter," his name is Bob Brown?!"

Then she burst out laughing.

A second later, her laughter was joined by another unfamiliar, exhilarated laugh.

Surprised by the sound, Ajana stopped giggling and tried to find the source of the chuckling. She didn't expect to discover it above her head, so she was rather shocked.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but eavesdrop! And since I eavesdropped, I couldn't help but laugh. Every time I hear his full name, it just makes me giggle like crazy!" a little winged horse said.

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