Chapter 29

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Ajana found herself standing in the middle of a blue ice cave that simply took her breath away.
All around her she could see beautiful blue ice that reminded her of a lot of small waves caught in the act of trying to reach the shore and frozen in time and space, for an eternity.

At first, the only lights in the cave were coming from the soft blue glow that held the cave's wall in its firm embrace, but soon enough the magical lights started appearing.
Precious gems seemed to be spread all around the cave but upon close expectation, Ajana realized that those weren't gems dangling from above her head, they were the most beautiful lights she had ever seen.

The feeling that overwhelmed her was one of both power and loneliness because she was in that vast space of wonders, but she couldn't see or hear any other students.

When she first entered the cave she could feel a freezing blast of cold, but only after a few seconds the spell they had on that place started working, and she was all warm and fuzzy while standing in what must have been the coldest place ever.
She was literally surrounded by ice and coldness.

It was breathtaking and something that she thought everyone should see at least once in their lives, but she was also scared.
However, it was scary to be at a place of such an intense, raw power knowing how defenseless you would be if anything bad were to happen.
Ajana thought that wasn't true for everyone but it sure was true for her.

As the bright green glow of the small, twinkling lights started increasing, she started seeing them all over the cave, dozens of stars spilled all over the magical cave.
The fact that the mirror-like blue walls of the caves reflected light made the sight otherworldly and something that Ajana had never even dreamed of.

Before she had time to either get overwhelmed by the beauty of it all or to get terrified by the surrounding vastness, she could see shimmering shapes of people and things appearing all around her.

As Ajana tried to focus her attention, she could see one shape materializing more quickly than the others and it was a shape of a woman wearing a long black gown and a pointed hat.
When she finally made a full appearance, Ajana could see the woman's red hair billowing behind her as if she had just come from a windy place and her hair could still feel the gentle hand of the wind in it.

The woman's face was adorned with a beautiful, heartwarming smile that left Ajana reassured that everything was as it should be, after all, she was in presence of someone who was just like her.
Well, the woman was obviously much more powerful, but still, they were both witches, the fact of which the woman seemed to be very proud.
There was a certain power, confidence, in the woman's posture that Ajana could only wish she possessed.
It was as if the woman was so sure of herself, her powers, that she could afford to always be happy and positive without having to worry about smaller or bigger life problems.

Beside her, another shape started coming into definition but Ajana wasn't sure what it was.
It seemed as if it was just another human, but upon noticing a huge fox-like tail moving swiftly behind what she would call a man, she was no longer sure what he truly was.
He was very attractive but Ajana couldn't help but stare at his bushy tail while it swept up and down as if the gathering crowd of students was making him nervous.

When all the students and all the equipment had finally fully materialized, the witch stepped forward with the man following close behind.
It was obvious that she would be taking control of the class but no one had any idea why the man, or whatever magical creature he was, was there.

"Alright everyone, settle down." The witch said sternly but kindly.
As they all settled down in the nearby chairs which materialized with them, without in any way intruding the beautiful cave as if they were there but not actually there, the witch took control of the class.

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