Chapter 58

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Ajana lowered her hands and stood frozen in place, afraid that any sudden movement might be misinterpreted and cost her friend his life. It wasn't difficult for her to stay still since she was petrified.

Never in her young life had she been so utterly afraid. Her heart was pounding like crazy, she could feel it even in her ears, making everything even more disorienting.

Scared as she was, Ajana still did her best to calm her mind to be able to call off will-o-the wisps knowing that her friend's life depended on it.

She didn't understand how any of what was happening was possible, but she refused to focus on that. Instead, she concentrated on visualizing Kiran, on beckoning him to her with her mind.

It took up much more effort than before because her mind was a mess, and sweat was covered her forehead before she was finally able to sense Kiran hearing her call and approaching their location.

"He is coming here. I don't know how else to tell them to stop." Ajana said.

"Who is coming?" Wickedmartine asked.

"Kiran, my will-o-the-wisp friend whom I called upon to ask for this favor," Ajana answered.

"Very well, your power is weak, after all. I can't expect you to do something as easy as calling off the lights just by using your powers. But if you try anything, your precious Bluebells will suffer." Wickedmartine said.

Swallowing hard, Ajana nodded her head in acknowledgment.

Soon enough, Kiran was next to her surprise obvious in his eyes. He didn't need to write anything for her to feel his question.

"I need you to call off your people. We will not interfere in the fight. I was wrong to ask that of you. This is not your fight, and you should go home." Ajana said.

Kiran didn't notice the glimmer of the knife under Bluebell's throat, thus he looked at her with shock and hurt.

"Aren't we helping?" He wrote in the air.

"Yes, you are. Now, I want you to stop." Ajana said, trying to sound as persuasive as possible.

"Wickedmartine, what are you doing?" Wallace said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere hovering next to Ajana.

"Argh, can't anything be done without you ruining it. It was your fault that the elves attacked us in the first place! It's your fault that so many died by their hands, and now you want to ruin this for me as well!?" Wickedmartine yelled.

"Wickedmartine that I know would never do anything like this. She would never threaten children to get what she wants, especially the children she is sworn to protect." Wallace said.

"Children are never spared the horrors of war! You, adults, think that you are protecting the children, but you are not! They suffer. They die on the inside every day that they have to live remembering their loss." Wickedmartine said.

"Perhaps, but why would you do this? Why would you make these young children go through this?" Wallace asked.

"Why shouldn't they? I did, didn't I? I went through hell! It's only fair they feel that type of pain as well!" Wickedmartine screamed.

Wallace looked deep into Wickedmartine's eyes as if he was trying to confirm some kind of revelation he had had.

Ajana had no idea what he had seen, and she didn't care. All she wanted was for him to stop the evil teacher and save her friend.

However, she understood that Wallace had to be careful, one wrong move could lead to Bluebells' death.

"Kiran, call off your people," Wallace told Kiran determinedly.

Kiran's light blinked rapidly as if he was trying to shake off his confusion, but soon enough, he flew off to do what he was told.

"What now?" Wallace asked Wickedmartine.

"Now we wait for the elves to murder each other, and then I can enjoy their downfall," Wickedmartine said.

"What happened to your mother was horrible, it's true, but do you think that she would want to see you like this? Revengeful and full of hate? Do you think that such a kind and caring person as your mother was would approve of this?" Wallace asked.

"I don't care! She was wrong! Being nice and helpful is not a good way to live your life! That's what killed her, being too kind and trusting! I will not repeat her mistakes!" Wickedmartine said.

"Where is your father?" Wallace asked.

"It doesn't matter! All it matters is my revenge!" Wickedmartine said.

As their conversation went on, Ajana started noticing that the grass behind Wickedmartine was moving as if someone was going through it. She hoped with all her heart that it was someone coming to help, and not Wickedmartine's supporters.

Soon enough, whoever was moving behind Wickedmartine came very close to her, only a few steps away.

Ajana was shocked that someone as old as Wickedmartine couldn't sense what was happening behind her, and Ajana hoped and prayed that it was help coming.

Soon enough, there was a small spark out of nowhere, and the knife that Wickedmartine was holding flew out of her hands a few meters away without causing any harm to Bluebells.

The precision with which she was disarmed was impressive, something Ajana would have never been able to accomplish with the limited control of her powers she had.

"No!!" Wickedmartine said as she started towards the knife.

However, with one movement of his wing, Wallace turned the knife into a beautiful flower, thus foiling her attempt at regaining control.

That was when it became clear that Wickedmartine was helpless, without a weapon surrounded by the people who could stop her as the invisible presence revealed itself to be Kieran.

Ajana was not surprised to note that, since only someone who had fought his whole life would have been able to disarm Wickedmartine so efficiently.

Wickedmartine raised her hands to cast a spell, but both Kieran and Wallace used their magic to subdue her. It was evident that they were taking no chances.

"Where is your father?" Wallace asked.

Ajana was confused by everything that was going on. She couldn't understand why Wickedmartine would do something like that, she just didn't sound like the type of person who would betray everyone and everything she knew.

"I am not going to tell you that. I failed, but my father won't." Wickedmartine said.

"What is going on? Who is her father? Why would he help her in something like this?" Ajana asked, unable to control her curiosity.

"Ah, you humans are proving to be as stupid as I always assumed you would be! I wish we could have included you in this fighting, as well. You deserve to die out as much as the elves do, with your selfishness and cruelty." Wickedmartine said.

As she said that she started shaking herself off, as a dog would shake off water, and as she did so, her facial features started changing, becoming younger, and her body started getting smaller and smaller until she was about Ajana's size.

To Ajana's utter horror, she recognized the new face that was staring at her with unfathomable hatred, it was Orla, the mean girl from school. Bob's daughter who had lost her mother when the elves attacked Mag. Everything started making sense.

"What did you and Bob do with Wickedmartine?" Wallace asked, undeterred by the change.

"She is fine. We gave her a sleeping potion. Unlike those awful elves, we don't kill our own." Orla said.

"I'll take care of her. You find her father before it's too later. The will-o-the-wisps are still helping, but if he interferes, if he has a secret plan to stop them I am afraid that his fighting will go on for far longer than necessary." Kieran said, trying to stay calm and rational.

"Very well. Ajana, Bluebells, Rex let's go! He will not expect us, besides the others have their hands full." Wallace said.

Then they were off in search of misguided Bob, hoping with all their hearts that they would get to him in time. 

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