Chapter 18

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As they untangled themselves from that mess of feet, hooves, and wings, Ajana realized that Bluebells was the one who crashed into her.

"I am so sorry. I was just so excited about the first day of school that I didn't watch where I was going. I mean, isn't it awesome?" Bluebells said extremely chipper, which seemed to be his constant mood.

Then he finally registered that it was Ajana he had crashed into, and a huge toothy smile spread across his face.

"Wow, wow, how cool to see you again. The new girl, right?" he said in a high and overexcited voice.

"Ajana," she said, smiling warmly at the energetic winged horse.

"You know each other?" Walnut asked, confused.

"Yes, we've met," they said in unison and then burst out laughing.

"Great, then my job here is done," Walnut said as he turned to leave.

"Wait, aren't you going to school, as well?" Ajana asked.

"Of course not, I am too young, DUH! Besides, I have magical parents, so I will probably be homeschooled." Walnut said.

As he said that, his eyes roamed longingly at the gathered students.

"Good luck! See you back home!" he said and left with the speed of light.

"Hm, well, that was unexpected," Ajana said.

"Don't worry, we still have each other! As long as we stick together, everything will be fine." Bluebells said.

That was when Rex started flapping around his face, and Bluebells had to correct himself.

"As long as the three of us stick together, everything will be fine," he said.

That managed to appease Rex, and he started flying around the school grounds investigating anything that caught his eye.

Fascinated as Ajana was by all the magical students, she forgot to pay attention to the school building, and it should have been the first thing she noticed.

It was something people couldn't imagine even in their wildest dreams, and it was definitely not what she expected.

She thought it would be some kind of castle or maybe even a mysterious building, but what she saw was anything but regular.

"Why is the school in the shape of an enormous flower with huge green leaves coming from the stem?" Ajana asked Bluebells.

"What are you talking about? The school is clearly made of floating clouds that are arranged like steps that lead to the top, to the biggest and most beautiful cloud that is pure perfection. I am just not sure how we are supposed to have classes there." Bluebells said.

"You idiots!" an unfamiliar rude voice interrupted their conversation.

"The school is not a flower nor a cloud. There is a glamour around the school that makes all of us see it as the thing we love the most.

"I can understand why this... this... Earthling doesn't know, but Bluebells, you should know better. You were born here," the girl with raven black hair and pure white eyes said.

"Oh, Orla, hey. I didn't know about that, good to know! What do YOU see?" Bluebells asked, ignoring Orla's sour mood.

After all, that was one constant, one thing people in Mag could always count on, Orla's irritable mood.

No one really knew why she was like that, and no one dared ask. The thing that was clear to everyone was that they had to stay clear of her.

Unfortunately for Bluebells, their families were close friends, so he didn't have that luxury.

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