Liar (10)

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Stiles followed Bruce and Tony to the lab. The lab had tables and stools. Loki's scepter was lying on a table. The lab didn't look like much. Bruce walked over to a table and put his hands on it. Bruce lifted his hands and there was a hologram.


"Tony. What are you doing?" Bruce asked.

"Doing some light reading, hacking into S.H.I.E.LD's files on us. The usual." Tony answered.

"Fun," Stiles said. "too bad I already did it."

"Really?" Tony asked, impressed.

"Yeah, as soon as I got here," Stiles said.

"What did you find?" Tony asked.

"The general." Stiles shrugged. "I know what everyone's powers are. I know everyone's past, even Natasha's and Clint's. I know how Bruce turned into the Hulk. I know how Steve got turned into a supersoldier. I know how you built the iron man suits. And I know that S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't know what I can do."

"Kid's right," Tony said, hitting buttons on the tablet. "It literally says powers; unknown. That's disappointing." Stiles shrugged. "What can you do?"

"I have no idea," Stiles shrugged.


"I know some of what I can do. Just not all of it." Stiles tried again.

Still a little lie.

No, it's not.

Yes. It is. You're not telling them about you combining with the Tesseract.

Yeah. Well, it didn't come up in conversation.


"Stiles." A voice said. Stiles looked up to see Director Fury, his uncle, and Natasha. "You're going to talk to Loki."

"What?" Stiles shrieked.


"Loki won't talk. He only wants to talk to you." Natasha said. "I tried but he kept saying that he won't talk to me. Only you."

"You're letting the kid, talk to a god?" Tony asked. "We sure this isn't a trap?"

"We don't know. But we need information and Stiles is the only one who can get it." Fury said.

"What about Thor?" Stiles asked.

"Loki made it very clear. He does not want to speak to Thor." His uncle said. "Stiles. We will be listening and watching. If anything happens we will be there. And he's in an indestructible cage."

"He's also the god of mischief," Stiles said.

You have a trickster fox spirit, inside of you.

Fury just raised an eyebrow, thinking the same thing the nogistune was.

"We won't make you do it. But we are kindly pushing you." Phil smiled. Stiles huffed.

"Fine." Stiles caved. "Take me to the crazy, psychotic, trickster god."

"Follow me," Natasha said. Natasha led Stiles through hallways, Stiles grumbling the whole way. "You'll be ok. The rest of the team will be in the conference room. Your Uncle with us. There will be guards at every exit. And Loki's in a cage. He will try to scare you. Don't let him. Try and get as much information out of him."

"I'm gonna be alone in there?" Stiles asked.

I'll be there.

"There will be guards, guarding every exit and the rest of the team will be in the conference room," Natasha said. "You're going to be fine." They approached a metal door, that reminded Stiles of when he was locked up. "We're here."

"Okay. I'll be fine. I'm good." Stiles mumbled.

"Stiles. Look at me." Natasha cupped the sides of his head. "I won't let anything happen to you. Okay?"

"Okay." Stiles smiled.

"Good. Now, get in there and annoy the hell out of him." Natasha smiled.

"Of course."


So this one is short. I cut this chapter due to when I finished it, it was 1,700 words. I couldn't finish reading it and I wrote it! So, I split it. 

The next chapter will be Stiles talking to Loki!! It will be interesting. 

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