Part 18 - Comments

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It's been a few days since I've returned and all Cash and I have done is enjoy one another's company. A part of me senses a hint of anger towards me from Cash and it makes me wish I could take away the memory of me ever leaving. But that would only lead to worse things.

Cash is currently showering and I'm playing on his phone. Why? Because he left it here and I'm scared to pick mine up. After Cash posted the video about me leaving, I've gotten a lot of hate. I haven't told Cash for obvious reasons. I don't want him to see me down over a group of mean kids. He doesn't read the comments, thank goodness. I sighed and set his phone down. I took a moment to shield Cash from my emotions before picking up my phone and going through the comments on not only Cash's video but my videos too.

It's okay, Cash! She seemed to fake to be with you anyways!

I don't even see why you went out with her.

Hey, she's a bitch! Just let her go!

You don't deserve someone like that! She's a whore!

Why would you ever want to date a tramp like that?

I switched over to my YouTube comments section, finding the same amount of hate.

Why would you leave such a great guy?

Do you know how many of us want him? And you just threw him away?

You're a slut



I turned my phone off and set it on the desk. I ran my hands through my hair. I spun in the chair to face the bathroom door. Is he angry? Was the first question that came to mind. I shook my head, trying desperately to rid myself of the cruel thoughts. The door opened and Cash came with fluffy hair and soft clothes. I smiled at him, projecting fake emotions to him. I projected happiness, love, and the other basic emotions. Cash grinned at me. He came and kissed my nose. I looked up and kissed his jaw.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked me.

"I'm back in your arms. Why can't I be happy?" I inquired with a smile. My heart ached at my lie. I kept my smile on my face.

"Want to record a Tik Tok with me?"

"I actually need to go shower and see my family." I said with confidence. "I'll be back later." I gave Cash a swift kiss on the cheek then left his room. I shut the door behind me. I felt his confusion. I struggled to keep my facade up as I leaned against the door.

"Why don't you just tell him?" I turned to see Maverick leaning against his own bedroom door. I sighed.

"Because I don't want to worry him. I've already given him enough trouble."

"Tell him about the comments." Maverick urged.

"I can't, Maverick." I hissed. "He's been put through enough already. It would also hurt my badass pride. I can't admit that I'm hurt by a few words and possibly considering the possibility of them being correct. How do you even know what they say?"

"I've read them, Ash. They are horrible and you may be able to hide from Cash, but I'm not fooled. I've gotten to know you a lot more lately and it's enough to know when you're faking. You're like a little sister to me, Ash. I don't want you to be doing this to yourself."

"That's sweet, Mav, but I have to go anyways. I need to see-"

"You were with them the whole three weeks you were gone."

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