Chapter 32

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'What if Jimin and Taehyung are right? Maybe she really does want to take a break. Did I do something wrong? Is she sick of me? Maybe Yoongi Hyung would be better for her' Jungkook sighed and walked into class.

"Jungkook how are you" Sana smiled brightly.

'Are you smiling because of me or is it someone else?'
"I'm fine" said Jungkook laying his head on the table.

"O-oh okay. I guess I'll text you later" Sana half smiled and left.

'What was that? You're making everything worse'

The day continued with Jungkook overthinking everything. Grower more upset he decided to skip the last period.

"Maybe if I act like I don't care she'll think it's hot. No Sana isn't like that. What am I doing? I should just ask her and see how she feels" Jungkook sat up and walked back into class.

"Jeon Jungkook where have to been the last forty minutes?" Ms. Kim asked.

"I didn't feel to well so I went outside to get some air, felt better and came back in" Jungkook said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well I'm glad you feel better but next time tell someone so I'll know okay?" Ms. Kim smiled.

Jungkook nodded and headed to his seat Sana smiled but Jungkook didn't.

'What's happening? What's up with Jungkook? There's something clearly up. Why isn't he telling me?'

With the bell ringing crowds began to pour out of the school. The sun beginning to fall caused the cold to show its face.

"Jungkook I need to talk to you. Get your books and meet me beside the benchs" Sana said turning on her heels.

'This is it. She's going to break up with me. Jimin and Taehyung were right. But why does it still hurt?'

'I'm going to tell him I love him and if he has anything on his mind if he's going through anything that I'm here for him. Not matter what it is'

Sana walked out and sat at the nearest bench. She had prepared her whole speech but nothing could have prepared her for what was about to happen.

Jungkook walked out the glass door and towards Sana. She felt her heart swell with love for the man in front of her.

"Ahem so I wanted..." Sana began.

"No stop. I want to say something before you start. I'm breaking up with you. We clearly don't have anything in common and want different things. So why latch on to something that isn't there. You don't need to say anything I get it" Jungkook said as tears began to fall.

Sana on the other hand wondered how things completely flipped into the other direction.

"What just happened?" Sana asked herself as she sat in the cold wooden bench with the sun slipping behind her.

"Sana I haven't heard from you in a while. The usual right? So how are things" smiled Mi wiping to hands in her apron.

"Well I'm fine" Sana said with a fake smile.

"That's good to hear but not to see. What are you hiding? What happened?" Mi said preparing Sana's hot chocolate.

"I don't know. He just broke up with me. I don't understand" Sana said wiping her tears.

"Sana it's okay just talk to him. I'm sure you two can solve this out. Now take this hot chocolate drink it and head to his house and tell him what you want to" Mi smiled and placed to hot chocolate on the table.

Sana looked at her best friend and smiled "this is where it all started".

"Yeah it was kinda funny too" giggled Mi.

"Excuse you getting burnt was not funny" said Sana crossing her arms.

"That wasn't but the rest" smiled Mi.

"Yeah it was" smiled Sana.

"Now go. Even if you aren't finished your hit chocolate take it with you. Tell that man everything you want. I don't seeing you like this" said Mi lifting up Sana's chin.

"Thank you" whispered Sana pulling away from her seat.

"And Sana if it doesn't work out he's not the one for you. No one should be hurt like this" said Mi wiping down the table.

"See you" Sana left and headed straight to Jungkook's.

The journey was painful. And not just because her shoes were digging into her heels but the 'what ifs' were tearing her apart. Stopping for breathes caused her to see a sight she never wanted to see. A women kissing the check of Jungkook.

Thank you for reading. 1k reads. Oh my god. I can't believe this. Thank you guys so much for reading. (Sorry I know it's not great but what can I do)

Love you
Nadia xoxo

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