Moving Struggle

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We remained friends for our whole lives, but when high school rolled around, I knew that I would suffer just as much as every other year of the prison that adults call "school". I was anxious of starting, but I knew that I could survive anything with George by my side. He might have been a bit younger and shorter than me, but he was undeniably stronger.

When all of the bullies came out, George was always by my side to defend the both of us. I wasn't the only one who was invariably bullied, but George was too. Everyone called us "lovebirds", and told me that I needed to stand up for myself instead of letting George do all the heavy lifting.

We walked home everyday, but after the first week of nonstop quarrels and consistent bullying, I came home to the worst possible news a child could receive.

"Y/N, I have some news. We're... going to move..." Mom explained, her voice gradually becoming quieter as she watched my heartbroken expressions. I ran out of the house in tears rushing next door to George's house.

"Y/N? What's wrong, pumpkin? Please don't cry, it breaks my heart." He asked. "I'm... moving..." My tears didn't show signs of stopping and I just wanted to die. "I'll promise to write," George mentioned, trying to cheer me up, but it wouldn't work. "George, what about our promise?" He closed his eyes, envisioning that perfect summer day that would change our lives forever. He started to sob along with me. "We need to make your last night special. I don't care if your mom says no, we are having one last sleepover."

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