The Rumor

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Your POV

My first night without George already felt strange. Of course I missed him, but it was just awkward and boring by myself. Constant thoughts are running through my mind at the speed of light.

What is he doing right now?

Is he enjoying himself?

Does he miss me?

Does he still love me?

Is he cheating on me?

I tried falling asleep, but I miserably failed. I tossed and turned, kicked off and pulled up blankets, tried watching a little TV, but nothing worked.

The clock read 12:00. Midnight.

Y/N, pull yourself together. It's not that bad, you've got nothing to worry about. Everything is ok...

George's POV

It's been a few days since we left, and I'm already exhausted. Who knew that just girls screaming alone could tire you out? Performing you get used to, but I swear, the girls just get louder and louder with every concert. It gives you a headache. I just wanted to relax in a quiet, safe place with Y/N. Speaking of her, I really should call her.

I pick up the phone and quickly dial her number before I have to go on for our private interviews.

"Y/N? Are you ok?"

"George! How are you?"

"Tired and annoyed. Do you have any idea how loud those girls scream? It's deafening, I tell you. So anyway, what have you been up to, pumpkin?"

"Pretty much nothing. I miss you!"

"I miss you too, darling. I probably can't talk for very long, but I just had to hear your lovely voice."

"Aw, Georgie..."

"George! Hurry up, you're on!" John calls.

"Sorry, dear, I have to go. I'll call you soon, Mrs. Harrison."

Another interview, but this time only me. These people had decided to interview us one at a time, me being last.

After that was over, we were at this after party to celebrate our last tours. Thankfully, we only had 3 shows left and it was over.

A strange, drunk girl approaches me. She can hardly stand up straight.

"Hey, handsome,"

I simply wave out of shyness and knowledge of her drunken state, but that was interrupted by her grotty liquor flavored lips crashing on mine, me pulling away almost instantly.

"Wow, George, I thought you were the loyal one." John jokes.

"Sod off, John. Nobody saw it, I didn't even want it to happen. She was completely drunk out of her mind."

Little did I know that the media would completely take advantage of this dumb moment.

Your POV

Mrs. Harrison. Y/N Harrison. A lovely name. I had been counting down the days until George comes home, and officially until we finished the promise. The phone rang from downstairs, but instead of it being George, the sound of Jane's came out.

"Hey, Y/N! What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm bored."

"So am I. Do you want to hang out with Cynthia, Maureen and I?"

"Sure, it'll get me out of the house."

We hung out for the entire day, mostly at Cynthia's place.

"And that's the most embarrassing story of John." Cynthia laughs, sharing a funny story about John.

"Wow, that's hilarious." I laugh.

"So Y/N, what are you and George going to do after... y'know..." Maureen asks.

My smile turns to a frown. "What are you talking about?"

"Have you seen today's paper?"

My jaw dropped at the title.

"George Harrison Caught Cheating"

I take my things and walk out the door. "I'm going home."

George's POV

I just wanted to go to sleep and relax, trying to do everything I could to get that horrible thought out of my mind. I was going home tomorrow, and I just wanted to see Y/N again. I was pleased to see that she called me.

"Y/N! Oh, how are you-"

"George, how could you?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, have you looked at today's paper?"

My jaw drops at the false and heartbreaking title: "George Harrison Caught Cheating".

"What? Y/N, that wasn't me! She came up to me and you know how the girls get-"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Now I felt even worse. The love of my life probably hates my guts now and I don't know who to blame.

How will I solve this now?

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