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George's POV
It was just another normal day. The lads and I were practicing a new song, "In Spite of All the Danger". We were about to perform in the Cavern Club in about an hour, so I had a little time to relax.

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. I reread the final letter she sent to me, making me wait until she decides to respond back herself, or until we reunite. But based on her letter explaining her indecision, I doubt she's coming for me.

Well, if she's telling me not to respond back, maybe I do have a chance of seeing her again. I can only hope.

"George, what are you doing? You've been staring at that wall for hours!" Come on, we're on in a few minutes!" John scolded.

"Oh, sorry, John." I tried to hide my blushing face as I got ready to perform.

Your POV
I had only been in Liverpool for a little while, and it already felt like home again. I found a place called "the Cavern Club" where the Quarrymen were performing. Wait-that means that not only will I reunite with George, but I'll also get to see his performance!

The show was open to the public, so it was pretty cramped in there. George was right in his letter, it smelled atrocious and felt like we were in a sauna.

However, when I saw George and the others perform, it was a whole different story.

They were amazing. They sounded great, and man, they could play. Not to mention, George looked amazing. I doubt he saw me all the way in the back, but he will at the end.

Once it was all over, I immediately came up behind him, covering his eyes.

"Guess who? I decided to come back to Liverpool after all!"

"Y/N! You came back! I thought you wouldn't come!" George yelled, wrapping me in a hug that lasted for quite a long time.

"Um, George, you can let go now."

"I never want to let go, pumpkin. I love you, and I can't believe you came back to me!"

Just then, two of the other band members came to us.

"George, aren't you a little young to be dating birds?" One teased.

"Oh, sod off, John, Y/N's my best friend, and she has been my whole life."

"Ah, so this is the magnificent Y/N. You know, George never shuts up about you." The other laughed.

I blushed a little from his statement. Paul, I think, was really cute, and John was pretty good looking too, but looked like a troublemaker.

But nothing could take me away from George.

After all of that was over, George and stood outside the Cavern Club for a little while, a bit confused on our next move.

"So, I was planning on moving out of Paul's house, but where will we go?" George asked. I had no ideas until one popped into my head. "Well, I think I have one that might work."

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