Love Letters

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We decided on communicating by letters until we could finally meet up again.


I'm glad you haven't forgotten. It is a deep and unbreakable promise that we must keep. No matter what happens to either of us, this promise remains engraved on our hearts.

Well, I have to admit, my new house is a lot better than my old one. It's a lot bigger, so I have more space.

And school? Well, it went about as well as it did at Liverpool. Bullied here, there and everywhere, called every name in the book, and pushed around like some sort of punching bag.

But, I did meet someone. I didn't get her name, but she promised to be my only friend here. She'll never be as perfect as you, but at least I have someone in times of trouble.

Despite all that, I still wish I could go back to Liverpool.


It might have took a few days, but it was all worth it to hear back from George.


It's nice to know that you've at least got someone to help you when I'm not there. I'm so sorry that you're still getting bullied, if I was there, I'd beat them up so badly.

As for me, things have gotten worse. Not just because I'm sad that you're gone, but because I'm facing the same problem. Remember how when we were together, we were both bullied for being with each other so often, always being asked "When will you two get married?" and having to deny it all and keep the promise a secret? Well, now that you're gone, I get bullied for not having you with me. I always get the questions, "Where is your girlfriend?" when they should know that you're no longer here.

I feel depressed when you're not here.


Letters continued back and forth for weeks, until one day I got this letter that was life changing.

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