What Have I Done?

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Your POV

Bright sunlight shines down on me. I'm in bed, covered in blankets, and I keep hearing a constant beep.

At that moment I see someone I never thought I'd ever see again.

"George? Where am I? Why are you back here? Aren't you-"

He puts his finger to my lips. "Shh. Relax, love. Listen, you're at the hospital because you attempted suicide. I came back because I love you, darling. What have I done? You know it wasn't my fault, right? The girl did it herself. I would never cheat on you."

I smile. "I know, George. It's my fault for overreacting. I shouldn't have done that. If I haven't done that we wouldn't be here in the first place. I'm sorry for being like this."

George frowns. "Do not blame this all on yourself, Y/N. If anything, it's the media's fault for making it seem like a bigger deal than what it actually was."

I laugh. "Yeah, they always do that."

It is silent for a while. George moves his hand closer to mine, eventually holding it, rubbing the ring around my finger.

"So, now that this is over..."

"Yes, George, of course I still want to get married. I love you, no matter what."

He smiles bigger than ever. "Oh, come here, you."

He holds me and kisses me.

Of course, this had to be the time where the nurse walks in.

"Oh. This is a bad time, isn't it?"

Our faces get as red as a tomato.

"It's ok, you two. Listen, you'll be able to go home in about an hour. I'm glad to see that you're ok. You've got a really nice guy with you."

I smiled as she said that.

George gives me a look of complete compassion.

"As soon as we get out of here, I'm making it up to you. I never want anything to get in the way of us ever again."

I hold his hand. "I know a way for that to happen."


Look, RondaSalter, I finished it. It's not very good, but I'm going back and editing every chapter before the last one (which is the next one, by the way).

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