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AZALEA WALKED BESIDE HERMIONE GRANGER AND MAD EYE MOODY INTO THE SAFE HOUSE IN GRIMMAULD PLACE. Finally, the pair had been allowed to come home as it was now officially the Christmas break. Azalea was still incredibly reserved, unprepared to spend her first Christmas in that time but Dumbledore had continuously assured her that she was welcome with the Weasley extended family's day and attempted to get her excited about it all. It had not worked yet. Hermione clung to the girls hand, she smart witch was shocked to have her theory confirmed but the fact that Azalea was the daughter of Hogwarts made a lot of sense and linked a lot of dots, explaining things. 

"Are you going to speak to Harry?" the girl of the present wondered as they placed their trunks at the foot of the stairs, Azalea was glad to be back wearing a hat, she had missed having one on her head. 

"I am not planning on it. He made his choice Hermione and it is better this way" the other brunette responded and the muggle born pouted unhappily. She wanted the two to be together, Azalea was yet to tell anybody other than McGonagall, Dumbledore and Snape about the pain his touch inflicted but she was certain that she could trust her female friend with the knowledge.

"Oh Hello Girls!" Molly Weasley greeted as the pair descended the few steps into the huge stone kitchen. They were both instantly engulfed in hugs by the motherly women which they happily returned. 

"Hello Mrs Weasley" Azalea smiled softly and the ginger women placed her hand on the girls cheek for a short pause. 

"How are you Darling?"

"Very Well thank you. I hope you are well" she replied sincerely and the women nodded with slight watery eyes at the knowledge that her husband had been attacked a few nights previously. Azalea was startlingly aware of everyone else in the room and was soon engulfed in two matching hugs from the twins who cuddled her softly. 

"We missed you. It's been no fun around here without you" 

"Well Hogwarts has certainly been a lot quieter without you two" Hermione giggled as she took a seat at the table. The two had been bombarded by Umbridge in the past few days, the women demanding to know where Harry and the Weasleys were. The girls had merely said that their father was in hospital and that they knew nothing more. Dolores was of course completely unconvinced by this. 

"Any news?" Fred wondered as he slung an arm around Azalea who was sat beside him at the dining room table. She expertly avoided making eye contact with Harry though she could feel his eyes on her face, waiting for her to look at him... she refused. 

"Well, the talk of the school at the moment is that Harry and Cho are officially together" Hermione stated with a smirk and Harry seemed somewhat startled by this, staring at Azalea and attempting to gage a response. She gave none. Fred tightened his arm around her and she smiled at him which earned a smile in return. 

"How'd that happen mate?" Ron wondered and Harry merely shrugged at him.

"I think it is safe to say that Cho took your kiss as something more than that" the daughter of Hogwarts stated nonchalantly as she twisted her ring around and around her finger. Sirius looked at Harry in slight shock. The boy had come to him and said that he had kissed Azalea but he said nothing about one Cho Chang. The boy was definitely in need of a chat from his God Father.

"Um.... congrats Harry?" George stated in an utterly unconvincing tone as he glanced at the girl beside him twin. She still retained a steely expression which he was proud of. The girl had told them about the kiss the pair had shared and the twins had thought it was amazing but now they were both silently fuming at Harry, what a player he was. 

"Thanks I guess" the raven haired boy responded and said nothing more. Ginny was sending him a glare from the other end of the table though the boys were sure it was not for the same reason that they were irritated with the boy who lived. it turned out that Harry had an awful lot of admirers. In everyone's opinion, he had chosen the wrong one. 

"We best go and unpack" Hermione stated and began to drag her friend out of the room and up the stairs, Azalea seemed unfazed and easily allowed her to do so. "That was so awkward" Hermione giggled as they entered the girl of the pasts room, they hopped up onto the bed together giggling, both silently glad that they had managed to make Harry squirm, he deserved it for kissing two girls in two days. He really did not wait around. 

"This is going to be such a bizarre Christmas" 

"What are your Christmases usually like?"

Azalea though about it for a moment in consideration. "Christmas was spent within the castle. We would all sit at one table together and have a large meal, then stand around the tree and open our gifts. Often we would then go for a walk around the grounds, singing carols as we did so." 

"Do you miss them?"

"So much. Every day." Azalea sighed and Hermione smiled sadly. "Of course Helena is still here, she came back, she told me why she did so but she also said she came back so she would be able to see me one more time" she sighed sadly.

"The grey lady... I mean, Helena. She is your sister?" Hermione wondered. 

"She is." Azalea smiled at the fond memories that flickered through her mind "I technically have all four founders as my parents so she would be... a quarter sister." she giggled "but she is the closest I have to siblings and I am so grateful that she is there, I do not know how I would survive without her familiar face around."

"Do you know any of the other ghosts?"

"Of course. I know Mr Peeves of course and the bloody Baron. His name is Christopher. I grew up with him" Hermione was shocked by this "he was in my sisters year at Hogwarts and we became friends."

"They don't seem to speak?"

"That would be because he killed her" Azalea answered with a sad expression. 

"Is that why he walks around in chains?" the girl nodded as a response and the pair fell into a silence. Hermione found it incredibly interesting to speak to the girl about the past which to her was mere months ago and Azalea was merely grateful to have someone her own age to speak to about her life. 

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