Chapter 20: Bakugou vs. Shinso

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Since minute one, your feet haven't touched the ground rather they dangled and swayed with each motion made of the boys. You didn't even want to be the leader of the team in the cavalry battle but there you were, sitting atop the shoulders of the General Department's Shinso Hitoshi not to forget his two suspiciously loyal lackeys. Yes, you've learned since minute one that the guys who followed Shinso around were nothing more than what you had assumed to be brainwashed idiots or perhaps guys who looked up to the purple haired boy like a leader. At the very least, you knew they weren't Shinso's friends; he viewed them as pawns in a chess game or steps to a staircase that lifted him all the way to victory. Rather smart you couldn't help but to admit, but often wondered if Shinso were using you as his stepping stool as well. Probably not, Shinso made his point clear that he didn't want you on his team until you proved your identity as the girl who saved him in his youth.

Safe to say, Shinso were your new friend.

You fumbled with hands behind your head, almost as if blind, all to tighten a white bandana around your forehead bearing the 4th largest number of all the teams here on the Tournament field. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou's teams had bandanas bearing larger numbers since they beat you for first, second and third place in the obstacle course. Shinso and his lackeys just barely passed the race so their overall points weren't all that high. Your points alone were carrying the team. It left little to no options for the Cavalry, just protecting the team bandana won't guarantee your place in the finals, you'll have to steal some as well.

"Alright Shinso, I got the bandana on," you announced feeling some anxiety attack your weak unstable heart. What if the bandana isn't tied tightly enough to your head? Should you knot it? Is there any foolproof way of protecting it? What if another team steals it? If that happens, will you even make it to the final round?

"Good," Shinso almost sarcastically mocked you since he didn't need to know you had put the bandana on your head. "I have a plan that needs no explaining (Y/n)... Just make sure you keep the bandana safe. Be smart and wear it around your neck," Shinso's piercing lavender eyes glanced up at you, almost as if boring into your soul.

You nearly gasped, pulling the piece of cloth down desperately to dangle from around your neck. "Why should I wear it like this Shinso?" You asked.

"If worn around your head it is easy for our opponent to pull it from off your head, understand?" Shinso hummed. You eagerly nodded, cursing because it were such a simple idea that you never thought of. "Good, now let's find a starting position away from the other teams-"

"That's an idea but I want to go after one team in specific!" You quickly blurbed out before pressing a hand to your mouth surprised by just how desperate you came off to be. The male just barely understood the words that flowed from your lips.

"If you're talking about Katsuki, forget it," Shinso spits, reading your mind.

"Um no!" You sang. "It's easy points, we'll easily make it to second place!" You reassured to the team.

Shinso rolled his eyes, debating on whether he should use his quirk on you in order to get his way but to most of all shut you up. No, that'd be a waste of energy. "Why are you so determined Katsuki's points are that easy to obtain? He's... Rather hostile," yes that is true. Bakugou is dangerous and easily enraged, but you knew something Shinso doesn't.

"Let's just say..." Now you hesitated to even bring up such a pride crushing fact. "Let's just say I know Bakugou won't bother to fight me," that point was clear, ever since the mini argument in class today it was. "Besides, he'll be too busy trying to go after Deku so he shouldn't bother with us," no matter how many times Shinso made this plan of yours play within his mind everything would go south resulting in nothing but loss.

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