Chapter 2

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As soon as the car pulled up, I muttered a quick thank you, undid my seatbelt and zoomed out of the car towards the main field where the event is taking place. I didn't bother to check and see if he was behind, because I already knew that he would be following me.

I scanned the field in hopes of seeing the others, but I couldn't. They must not have arrived yet. The music was blaring, and the laughter of students resounded in my ears as I roamed for a spot that would be comfortable for all of us.

When I sit down, I look up to see if Seung-Ho was still with me and he was. He sat opposite me, but a few feet away. By now I would have normally asked him random questions or talked about my day but in this moment all I could think about was how to not make my feelings for him obvious, so I just stayed silent.

After a while of looking around I collected my phone from my bag and proceeded to play snakes. This game was my go-to for pure entertainment and having the newest Nokia model out never made me so happy until this moment. It gave me an opportunity to avoid his eyes.

Some minutes pass and I can hear him shuffle around and me not being able to resist myself, I lift my head up to see him already standing. With his denim jacket left on the grass, he walks away without a word and I stare at his retreating form half-dazed and half-disappointed.

The sounds of the students voices only grows louder as the time for the event draws near, so I place my tool of avoidance (my phone) in my bag and I put my earphones in, turning on the radio on my CD player. I let out a sigh as the voices grow distant and I lay on my back. The sun was shining so brightly that my eyes couldn't stay open and so I closed them, allowing the rays to tan my skin.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is currently 36 degrees in Seoul, so I suggest that you all be careful. Min-ah DJ, what would you say is the best advice for tackling this heat?

Oh, well I would suggest that our listeners layer their sunscreen very generously, dress appropriately and drink lots of water. That always gets me through a hot summer day.

Ah, yes of course. Staying hydrated is key for this heat. You've heard it folks...

The sun that was hitting my skin soon cooled down and I could sense darkness as if something covered it. I scrunched my eyebrows at the feel of something wet and cold hitting my face, only for it to be followed by a few more cold droplets. I fluttered my eyes to find a beverage being shoved in my face by none other than Seung-Ho. By the looks of it, it was fresh from the fridge.

Is this where he went? I had thought, he'd gotten tired of my boredom and went to find something else to do. But that wasn't something Seung-Ho would do. This, however was. I quickly lifted my back off the ground and accepted the drink shyly.


If I didn't see the bag full of drinks next to him that he had gotten for the others I would've felt more touched but all it did was to remind me of our sole bond.

We were friends.

I just hated the fact that my heart still wanted more than that.

The first to arrive was Myung-Soo and then shortly after, the other three came hands loaded with food. Soon, the mood picked up and we were all conversing about Ji-Soo's incessant need for wearing odd socks. I loved my friends and I loved moments like these where we could just be together chatting about endless nothings.

For the sake of things staying the same, I really needed to tame my heart.


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