Chapter 16

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"Are you sure you're okay?" My mother asked for the hundredth time this morning. I sighed, it would have been a tad bit cuter and I would have appreciated it even more if her call didn't wake me up at 5am.

"Yes mother, everything's okay. I'm okay, Myung-Soo's okay, the President is okay." I yawned, "Honestly if you were this worried with all the countries you've visited you should have visited me by now. Your daughter has been in another continent for more than six months and you couldn't spare two days to come and see her?"

"Honey, you know I want to, I just haven't-"

"Haven't got the time." I finished for her, my family never really had the time and I had gotten accustomed to that, I don't know why I was regressing back to my high-school days. "Yeah I know, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to let you know that I'm fine."

"Alright then... Oh and by the way, you've had a few letters delivered from the dorm to our home in Busan."

"Letters? Who from?"

"I don't know, it doesn't say honey. Want me to open it and find out? Or should I just post it over to you with a few other things?"

I thought about it for a while before giving my response, "No it's okay, maybe just keep them for me till I get back?"

"And when do you get back young lady?"

I smiled softly, "I'm not sure, I've just gotten a promotion so I've still got a long way to go to settle into that position and work my way up. Myung-Soo still needs to finish Law School and pass the bar... there's still so much we have to accomplish." I answered, expecting an immediate response from my mother but she didn't say anything for a while.


"Hey honey, no it's nothing. I just think it's nice that you're both looking out for each other out there."

"Well, right now we're kind of the only ones we've got."

"I know and I think it's a good thing you took the plunge to do what you really wanted to do. Your father and I are proud of you."

I refrained from sighing, "And why couldn't father tell me this directly?"

"You know he's-"

"Busy, yeah I know."

We were silent for a while and I was fighting sleep as my head rocked back and forth.

"I love you honey, speak to you later."

"Love you too, get some rest."

Hanging up the landline, I slid out of bed – quite messily might I add, and into the kitchen to grab breakfast before work. The apartment was built with a modern design in mind, so every room was pretty spacious which I didn't mind but the kitchen was the only place that was a tad bit too big for a single person like me. Not that I'm complaining, I'll take what I can get.

As I was munching on my granola on the counter top, I received a text message.


>Guess who's coming back into town?

>Hint: it's your fave person.

I snorted.


>No way, MJ is having a concert in LA?

I was expecting one of his lame texts back, but instead my phone started to buzz and I laughed upon seeing his name pop up.

"You were close, I'll give you that one." His voice sounded.

"I hope you're not equating yourself to the great Michael Jackson, Oppa?"

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