Chapter 19

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"What do you think about this?" I held up a black slinky dress to both Stella and Kimmie.

I was going on my first official dinner date with Myung-Soo this weekend and I was uncharacteristically nervous that I couldn't pick what to wear. It had been a few weeks since we aired everything out and since then we'd kept our morning rides to work and school like a routine, had a few café breaks whenever our lunches matched up and even movie nights, but we hadn't had an official date.

Whatever that even was.

It was more of my fault than anything else, as much as I tried to get all my tasks done within the work week it continued to pile up, spilling over into my weekends – but not this one luckily.

Myung-Soo didn't tell me much about what we were going to do, but he did say to wear a dress. The only genuine dating I've experienced was from the movie theaters, and apart from the idealistic images I'd seen in the movies I had no knowledge. Which was exactly why I had Stella and Kim over to help me out. 

The girls looked at my outfit and gave it a thumbs up without a question, so I quickly changed into it. It was a black off the shoulder body dress which stopped just below my knees. I paired it with a pair of new black stilettos and red lipstick. I'd never worn heels this high, heck I wasn't much of a heels person but I wanted to make the effort tonight. I turned to the girls to gauge their reactions and they gave me another thumbs up with an addition of squeals of approval.

"Girl, you look smoking!" Stella cooed.

"I'd tap that." Kimmie added and I hid my face embarrassed.

I turned back to face the mirror to take a look at myself and I wasn't sure if it was fancy enough or if it was even too much, but it was too late now. I had ten minutes till Myung-Soo was supposed to pick me up but knowing him he was probably already outside waiting.

I strutted over to my floor length window, peering outside the curtain and low and behold Myung-Soo was stood across the street fumbling with his keys.

I had to hold back a chuckle when I saw him. He looked just as nervous as I was.

"He's here!" I announced to no one in particular, more to calm myself down. As I turned around Stella already had my purse held out towards me and Kim spritzed me with some more perfume.

"Thank you~. Let yourselves out and please don't finish my ice-cream." I paused, noticing their sly expressions. "Okay fine, you can finish it. There's cheesecake in the fridge too."

"Will you be coming back tonight?" Kim sung cheekily, and I refrained from laughing as I walked past her through my door.

"I'll see you at work ladies."

"You're not planning to do the walk of shame are you?" Kimmie shout-whispered as I approached the elevator doors. I turned around giving her a 'keep-your-voice-down' look and simultaneously looked to Stella for help.

"Kimmie, hush!" Stella came to my aid, "Who says it has to be shameful?"Or so I thought.

I shook my head at the duo laughing as I tried to contain my own behind the closing doors.

As I walked through the elevator doors and out of the building, my eyes fixed on Soo with his hands deep in his pockets leaning against the door of Youngjae Oppa's black '91 Mustang. I tried not to laugh thinking about how many tries it must have taken him to perfect his stance.

He hadn't noticed me yet with his eyes fixed on the ground so I took my time to take him in. He was adorned in a fitted black suit trouser and a loose cream shirt with the collars turned up. I was glad I went with my dress, one it suited what he was wearing and two, it wasn't too fancy yet not too casual.

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