Chapter 22

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I wasn't sure when it had happened, but somehow we were all in the hospital surrounding the treatment room Seung-Ho was currently in. I had tried everything to steady my shaking and my breathing, nothing was working but after a while it calmed and I stayed leaning against a wall for support.

The others weren't doing so well either. Ji-Soo was pacing up and down the corridor, So-Hee had been crying for a while and Soo hadn't said a word. Watching him try and be strong also helped me to sober up from my stupor a little.

Wiping my eyes free of tears I stumbled upon So-Hee who was suddenly staring daggers into me. She sniffled and used her forearm to wipe the snotty concoction around her nose.

"You." She croaked as her eyes remained fixed on mine.

I flickered my eyes shaken by the venom in her tone.

"W-what?" My throat had been throbbing in soreness from the crying that it came out in a rough whisper.

"What did you do to him?" She asked.

"I didn't-"

"You must have said something to him, what was it? What did you say to him?"

"I-I didn't say anything." I held a hand to my head as it started to pound in pain and the flashes of the earlier hours began to flood back in.

"Sure you didn't."

"Stop it So-Hee." Myung-Soo warned.

"Mighty boyfriend to the rescue." She scoffed whilst eyeing the both of us but stopped to focus a little longer on Soo. "Yah Kim Myung-Soo, do you really think she loves you?"

"Don't speak about things you know nothing about." I hissed.

"You can think what you want So-Hee, but this is the wrong place and the wrong time to be talking about it." Myung-Soo finished.

"What better time than this, I'm pretty sure it was all her fault anyways."

"So-Hee just stop it!" Ji-Soo yelled, catching us all of guard as we all drew our eyes on him. "I'm sick of this! Do you seriously think this is the right time for one of your jealous rants? Huh? Seung-Ho is lying in there – our friend is lying in that hospital bed bleeding and this is what you're doing? Sit down and grow up or just get the hell out of here because Seung-Ho doesn't need it."

I stood silently, gazing at an infuriated Ji-Soo who proceeded to continue pacing the corridor of the hall. When I turned back to So-Hee she had sat down and began to fidget with her fingers.

Although Ji-Soo was speaking to So-Hee what he said also hit me and decided to sit down on the hospital floor disregarding all the times my parents told me not to do so. I looked around again in the silence and only realised that we were the only people there.

I felt Soo sit beside me and I sunk my head between my arms. Was it really my fault? Did I say something wrong?

At that time the treatment room doors slid open and out came the doctor along with two nurses. We all rushed over hoping that this guy would provide answers to the burning questions in our minds.

"How is he?" Soo asked.

"Mr Yoo is now in a stable condition. We've administered the treatment that he requires, but..."

"But what?" Ji-Soo pressed.

"Mr Yoo has asked me to keep the details about his health private and as his doctor I will hold onto that request. If you'll excuse me." The man in scrubs said, yet that wasn't what we wanted to hear.

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