Chapter 4

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I spent the next week in a routine fashion, I would wake up, have breakfast when I had the time, attend my lectures and meetings, work at the restaurant, go back home and study some more for the test. I hadn't noticed the time go by, but with my newly established schedule vacancy where basketball training should have been taking place, I was at liberty to spend more time studying and sleeping.

After the test today, I was feeling good. Apart from a few questions that threw me off, I was pretty confident that I had aced it. Studying had brought me this far, it sure as hell was not going to leave me hanging in my most crucial year.

The class was split into two rooms for the test earlier and I was in a separate one to So-Hee. I felt a little relieved, because it meant that I wouldn't have to have more awkward experiences after last week.

It was interesting, because I wasn't going out of my way to purposely avoid her, it just turned out that way. On mornings where we would usually bump into each other outside our dorms on the way to class, she was nowhere to be found. I could have been overthinking things considering that she also had to study for the test.

I'll be honest, I didn't mind taking a few days off from being the mediator slash punch bag. It really is as exhausting as it sounds, but I still love her, so I'll resolve things soon enough.

As soon as I left the hall, I made my way to meet Myung-Soo, Ji-Soo and Bo-Ra for their promised meal. The streets were bustling with people as I tried to fight through the sea of bodies, bobbing and weaving my way out of the subway and out into the city. I would always expect there to be more breathing space when I got out, but I was still greeted with more people and more polluted air. The location of the restaurant was directly in town and quicker to get to by the underground, so I had no other choice but to take it.

I was the last to arrive at the restaurant and I rushed in to join Bo-Ra and Myung-Soo on the floor. I would love to say that I ran here because I was late, but that would be a lie. Hungry is not a sufficient word to describe the panging in my stomach right now.

This was the first time I was seeing Bo-Ra since that morning last week, being busy with preparing for the test I didn't have the opportunity to do so. She would message me to try and test whether I knew what she thought I knew she had said. I feigned ignorance though.

I wasn't planning on telling her what I heard them talking about in the changing rooms nor would I bring up my knowledge of her having spilled the beans to So-Hee about my feelings.

The milk was already spilt, trying to gather any of the remnants wasn't going to do anything else but create more mess.

I felt warm at the sight of the food that they had already ordered. When I greeted her as normal, I could sense a wave of ease come over her and she started to act more like her.

Like nothing had even happened.

I couldn't help but question the status of our friendship, and whether she seemed to value her relationship with So-Hee more than our own to the extent that she would talk about me behind my back. Although I didn't put much blame on either of the girls, I would be lying if I said that it didn't hurt to have them discuss my feelings for Seung-Ho in a laughable manner.

Even I looked pathetic in my own eyes, why wouldn't they think so too?

"Where's Ji-Soo?" I asked, noticing his absence.

"He's still got rehearsals, but he said he's on his way." Myung-Soo answered me.

"Hyun-ah, don't forget we have the board meeting for Journalism next week." Bo-Ra reminded me, and I shut my eyes at the reminder.

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