Chapter 7

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I walked through the halls reading through the final piece that I had written on Iniya and the need to be more accepting of diversity. I had managed to type up my final draft of the article in the space pf two weeks. Looking at my handywork, I felt good that this was something truly informative and not another round of 'date spots' and other interests. I was aware that it might not help much and some of these copies might even end up in the dump, but my conscious wouldn't let me rest for not having tried at all.

There were late nights where I was running around in preparation and trying to meet all of my deadlines, plus helping halmeoni out.

To say that I was exhausted would be an understatement especially with the deadlines I had to meet, but it was all worth it. Especially when I saw the smile on Iniya's face as I gave her the translated version of her special. I smiled, remembering how she was telling me how after the newspaper was published people recognised her and that the treatment from other students were a bit more accepting, although not much from people outside of campus. It wasn't a huge turn-around, but it was better than leaving it to dust.

I folded the paper in my bag and continued my journey to the art department to prepare material for the fair. With help from one of the girls I had befriended from the Journalism society, I was able to access the free room. You would think for an open fair run by fellow third-year students they would let you set up a tiny stall for free. That wasn't the case.

In exchange for the small time in the hall, I was given the deal of cleaning it up once the day was done. I didn't take much time in accepting, as I proposed it all last minute I wasn't necessarily in a position to be stating my own conditions.

Since Bo-Ra, Ji-Soo and Myung-Soo were the only ones who had offered genuine help before, I had let them know and we were supposed to be meeting up this evening to get started on a few banners and signs. I wasn't sure if they would all make it, but I would be getting it done with or without them.

Walking into the room felt nostalgic of my years in the high school art department. I've always loved art, but I've never been confident enough to show my work to anyone. Whenever I had the time I would doodle and even paint, but as the reality that I would never be able to show or do anything with my pieces, I gradually stopped.

Sitting down on one of the stools, I swiped a piece of A3 paper, a few paint brushes and pens and started to work on the signs. I wasn't Picasso, but I was trying.

When I heard the door to the studio open sometime later, I didn't look up, expecting it to be the gang.

"You're all late... I think this calls for a free meal later." I jested, my hands delicately tracing words on the sheet. I looked up from my sheet with a smile, but that was until I saw Seung-Ho. He really had a way of wiping the smile off of my face as well as producing one on it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, definitely not having expected him. I didn't need to ask really, it's quite obvious that one of the others had sent him over as an attempt to get him to apologise for what he said. I didn't need the apology though, but if he was going to give it...

"Don't need help?"

"No." Was my instinctive response. His tone came out monotone, robotic almost so I couldn't feel even an ounce of sincerity from him. It was becoming clearer that he was pushed to come here.

He looked taken aback for a moment and just stood there for a little while, rubbing the back of his neck not knowing what to do or say.

I continued with my sign and dismissed him calmly. "Thanks, but you can leave now." As I said that, I was expecting to hear the sound of footsteps retreating, but I didn't. He hadn't moved, and he stood there as if his damn feet were glued to the floor.

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