Chapter 20

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As soon as Youngjae Oppa opened the door, I was met with a resounding blast of All I want for Christmas by Mariah Carey and it wouldn't have taken a genius to guess who was in charge of the music today.

For a slight second I really considered going home, but Oppa pulled me inside before I could follow through with that thought.

"Could we maybe change this song to, I don't know, anything else but this?" I whispered, handing Oppa his present.

He chuckled as he took the bag from my hand, "I know, it's a genuine problem"." He almost looked as pained as I felt. "Hyung has a thing for Mariah Carey I guess."

Really? I couldn't tell.

"Thank you for this by the way, I won't open it till later." He jiggled the bag a little.

I responded with a proud grin, because I knew he would love the pair of premium Nike trainers I got him. Not that it was anything special, but because he'd been wanting them, oh-so coincidently for the past month. The fact that he'd been repeating that he wanted said trainers to my hearing for the past month was also a coincidence - of course.

I followed him through the corridor and into the living room where I expected to find Boss and Soo but did not. I scanned the space, assessing their attempt to create a festive mood. By attempt I mean they had balloons everywhere and tinsel strewn in random places.

But hey, at least the Christmas tree was standing upright.

"Where's Myung-Soo? I thought he'd be here by now." I asked, glancing at the clock.

"He is, well was. He walked in, commented on how we didn't do a good job with the decorating and proceeded to be shocked by how much food there is." I nodded my head agreeably, just by looking at the centre piece, there was a lot of food just for the four us. "He packed a few things and said he was going to the homeless shelter a few blocks down to share with them and Hyung offered to go with him. They just left, I figured you saw them."

I smiled, Myung-Soo and his thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze me.

"That smile of yours, you're thinking about lovey-dovey Myung-Soo aren't you?" Oppa asked, shuddering as he did so.

I bit my lip catching myself. It had been only a few weeks since Myung-Soo and I told Oppa the situation we had going on and to say that he was surprised would be an understatement, but it wasn't in the way I would've thought. It turned out that Oppa knew about Myung-Soo's feelings for me long before I did, so once he heard that we had taken things a step further, he couldn't contain his excitement.

I didn't know how to react at first, but knowing he supported us made me happy.

"And what if I was?" I quipped.

"If you were my dear dongsaeng," He spoke as he shuffled closer to the record cabinet, "Then they better be pure thoughts."

I blinked, failing to hide my blush in response to his random assertion. "I..."

"Gosh, I was joking Hyun-ah, were you really?!" He laughed and I picked up a cushion from the couch, aiming it at him.

"Are you going to keep teasing me?" I threatened with another cushion held in the air ready to throw.

"Hey, I haven't seen you as often these days, I think I'm entitled to a little teasing." He reasoned and I lowered my arm with the cushion still in my clutches, unable to not laugh myself. "In all seriousness," Oppa continued. "Are you happy? Does he make you happy?"

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