Chapter 17

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"Are we just going to keep standing here?" Oppa asked shaking me from my stupor.

"I personally don't mind, but err, I think So-Hyun-ssi might be a bit uncomfortable. After all she's had such a tiring day."

I turned to the source of the voice and widened my smile. "Ani. Let's go inside..." I urged for them to go in and my ears didn't fail to hear a snicker from a certain someone. What were the odds of my cousin and this guy being friends?

Okay, so the odds were probably pretty high but today of all days. We didn't exactly set off on a good start.

I hung my bag to the side as we made my our way down the hallwy into the living room, following both of them closely behind. I was working out in my head how I was going to diffuse the awkwardness that I felt with Boss when all of a sudden both of the guys stopped walking causing me to bump into them.

I looked up to find both of them with their hands balled up into fists, staring at each other with conviction. There was a sudden boost of testosterone in the atmosphere and it felt like everything got dead serious – literally, I was almost expecting them to fight if I didn't see them being chummy five seconds ago.

Much to my surprise, that wasn't the case.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!" They both shouted.

I stood watching as my boss pulled a scissors and my cousin showed papers.

"Aish, best to three?" Youngjae Oppa offered with a sulk, but with the way his competitor shrugged him off with a laugh he wasn't going to budge. "Whatever, I'll take it like man! I'll be back in a bit."

"Err, care to explain what this is about?" I hissed, still confused as to what they were doing.

"Before you came we were going to play rock paper scissors, loser has to go and collect our pizza. I'm the loser." He said going to grab his coat.

What? "Oppa...You can't possibly think of leaving me here?"

"Why?" He shrugged on his coat with a blank look on his face.


I turned to my left, but Do-Hwan...ssi? It felt so awkward to call his name like that, had already disappeared into the house.

"Hyung! If you try anything with my dongsaeng, I'll kill you~" He sung over me and opened the door to leave but stopped once more. "Also if you start the movie without me, I'll kill you." And with those threats he vanished. 

Right then.

I slowly stepped through to the living area expecting to see my boss, but I didn't. I breathed a sigh of relief and made my way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water only to find him whistling as he looked through one of the cabinets. He took out a wine glass, swiftly opened a bottle of wine from the wine rack and filled the contents of the glass of up with the red liquid.

One thing I was sure of was is that he was very comfortable in this house. Especially wearing such a sweater.

I felt the need to break the silence rather than stand there timidly, after all I was pretty good with meeting new people. I just didn't know how professional it would be to treat my boss like someone I met at school. 

"Would you like one?" He suddenly asked, startling me some as his back was still facing me.

I cleared my throat, "Pizza and wine? I'm not too sure about that combination..."

He laughed and it wasn't a small one, his back shook when he did so, confusing me because I didn't think what I said was particularly funny.

"Don't knock it till you try it."

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