The last day of summer (part 1)

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Hank was sat on the coach watching his usual TV shows and the three android brothers were out the back enjoying the rest of the sun. Connor was sat under a tree reading a book and Colton was busy chasing after Colin.
( Hank has a bigger house )
"Stop it Coltan,your not pushing me in the pool again. ITS NOT FUNNY!!!"
Connor sighed and place his book down ready to grab Coltan and take him inside.
"Why are you running away from me Colin!!!! Are you scared!!!" Coltan laughed and started running faster. As he got closer to where Connor was standing he was snatched away from Colin and into Connors arms.
"Oh come on Con you never let me have any fun!"
"Chasing Colin isn't fun. You need to settle down and go inside. It may be hot but it's your fault for ruining your last day at home. Dad is not going to be happy."
"Oh shut up Connor. Why have you got be so goody goody all the time!"
"And once again Dad will not be happy."
Connor practically dragged Colton inside and when Hank heard the door he knew a bunch of excuses would come falling out of Coltons mouth.
"What has he done now Connor?"
"Well dad he was chasing Colin around the garden and also pushed him in the pool thinking it would be funny. Luckily I caught him." Connor smiled at Hank and Colton leant against the door frame with his arms crossed.
"Well Connor thank you and Colt~"before Hank could finish his sentence Colin came bursting through the door covered in mud and blue blood crying.
"Colin what happened!"Hank rushed over to Colin wanting to know exactly what happened. Connor knelt down and examined Colin.Colton,however,just stood in the exact same spot and stared at his younger brother in shock."I-I fell. I hurt m-my hand. And my kn-knee. It hurts."Colin grabbed Hank and pulled him into a hug. Connor had gone of to grab the first aid kit and Colton was still silently watched.
"It's going to be okay Colin. Let's go sit you down."
(You may be confused as hell right now but the brothers are still androids. Androids have their rights now so they can own property and stuff.)
Connor came back in and started cleaning up the blue blood and mud while Hank went out to get some more stuff for Colin. "You know Colton you could be helping."
Connor glanced up at Colton who looked...upset. Connor was confused but carried on cleaning up Colin's cuts.
"Thank you Con."
"No problem Colin. What did you fall over? I mean you almost fractured your knee joint which could have ended really bad."
Colin looked up at Connor and back down to his feet. Connor knew he wasn't going to tell him what happened. But if he didn't then he'll just have to do what he usually would do. Probe his memory. It might sound mean but he can't help prevent the same thing from happening if he doesn't know what actually happened.
"Colin,did you fall?"Coltan surprised both androids and suddenly the once devilish one out of the three was being some what nice.
"Yes. I did fall."
"On what though Col."
"If I tell you Connor promise me you won't blame yourself."
"Okay?"Connor replied back in a rather confused tone.
"Okay. I was running about and tripped on your book and fell into the pond which scratched my hand. Then I got up and fell again into the flower bed." Colin blurted out. Connor was shocked. It was his fault for not putting his book back. His brother got hurt because of him. Connor stood up and ran up the stairs and into his room locking the door behind him. Colin and Colton shared a worried looked before Hank walked in.
"Where's Connor?"

Okay so I hope you like this so far any questions ask. Any requests just say. I'll try fit them in. 👌🏻❤️🏳️‍🌈

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