Stay away

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Connor had the worst weekend ever. Hank had a full on go at him and he spent the rest of his weekend in his room.

It was school now. Great.

Connor and Colin were making there way down to the school gates whilst Colton dragged his feet along behind them.

"Hi Connor." Conan said as he jogged up to him. Connor ignored him and seemed to speed up ever so slightly.
"What you doing Con. Why are you running from me?" Connor also ignored that and let Colin go.

Conan grabbed Connors wrist to stop him from speeding of anymore and just that small touch made Connor break down in tears. Conan thought he hurt him so he let go of Connor but he never reached down to his wrist.

"Connor. What's wrong? Did I hurt you? I-I'm so sor~" Connor cut him of by wrapping his arms around him and crying hard into his chest. Conan looked down still confused but wrapped his arms around the smaller Android.

"Hi Cona- Omra9 what's wrong with Connor?" Simon came up from behind Conan and waited for an answer.
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I don't know he won't tell me."
Simon then took Connor away from Conan and hugged him tightly. "Hey Connor. What's wrong?"
Connor took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself before speaking up "On Saturday. M-my dad asked me some questions about w-what I did on Friday night. And he knows I can't lie. So he asked me questions. A-and he found out about me and Conan. And h-he said I can't see C-Conan again." That very last sentence made Connor cry even more and pull away from Simon.

Connor sat on the floor not being able to stand anymore and Conan felt really bad for him. So he sat down next to him and hugged him trying to comfort him the best he could.

"I'm sure he didn't mean that Connor." Simon always knew what to say but this problem was a little harder to sort out.
"I'm sure your dad was just a little shocked that his son is growing up so quickly. Also the fact that you have a boyfriend may have shocked him too because you kept it a secret from him."

Connor nodded and wiped his eyes. Conan stood and held out a hand to Connor and helped him up. Connor smiled and hugged Conan once again. "I think he just needs to meet you." Connor smiled and grabbed Conan's hand.

Conan smiled and squeezed his hand ever so slightly before kissing his forehead. Maybe he didn't have to stay away from him. He may just need to introduce him to Hank. Yeh. Once he's met him all will be good. Hopefully.

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