Late night date

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Hanks pov:
Today must have been the most boring day ever. I did nothing at all. Gavin was being a total cock as per usual shouting at every moving thing.

I can't believe I'm at home already. I just wanna sit down and have a few beers.

I walked towards the front door of the house hoping the kids were just being normal. But that was were I was wrong.

3rd person:

"Coltan why do you always mess my things up!" Connor sighed and headed downstairs only to find Coltan... hugging Colin.

"Okay what's going on?" Hank and Connor said in unison.

"Can I not hug my brother. Anyway Connor were you going?"Hank turned to look at Connor and so did Colin after breaking free from Colton.
(̠T̠r̠y̠ s̠a̠y̠i̠n̠g̠ t̠h̠a̠t̠ s̠e̠n̠t̠e̠n̠c̠e̠ m̠u̠l̠t̠i̠p̠l̠e̠ t̠i̠m̠e̠s̠.̠)̠

"I'm uh... just going out for a while with a friend." Hank raised an eyebrow at Connor before nodding.

"Date is Connor?" Colton questioner with a smirk.

"Well whatever your doing it isn't any of your brothers business. Don't get back too late." Connor nodded at Hank. After hugging everyone including Sumo, Connor left for his big night out.

(Time skippidy skip skip)

Connor had walked to Conan's house excited for his date. He couldn't wait. He straightened his jumper and patted down his jeans the best he could to get rid of all the dog hair.

"Okay Connor. Your ready so let's go!"

Connor knocked on the door and straight after Conan answered.

"Hi Connor!" Conan pulled Connor into a comforting hug and lightly kissed him on the forehead. "You ready."

"Yep. Let's go." Connor grabbed hold of Conan's hand and squeezed it lightly. Conan locked the door and helped Connor into the car and they were off.

(Time skip - outside of a bar)

"Why are we here? We can't drink." Connor was stood outside of the bar gripping onto Conan's arm.

"Well. It was the only place that wasn't to far away. So I could get home." Conan smiled lightly and ran a hand through Connors hair.

"If you don't want to go in we could always have a walk and then go back to my place."

Connor thought for a moment making his LED spin yellow.
"I'm not comfortable going into such a... how do I put it. Adult filled place. Most of them will be drunk. It's not safe."

Conan smirked and nodded.
"Well. We can have a walk about. Grab some food then go back to my place and watch a film. How's that sound."

Connor smiled and grasped Conan's hand. "Well then. Let's go." Conan laughed and squeezed Connors hand. And there night was of to a good start.

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