Multiple questions

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Colton had woke everyone up with his music. He was playing Death Of A Bachelor full volume at 6. That was Colton for you.

" For god sake Colton turn that down!" Hank shouted from his room followed by a loud yawn.

Colin entered Connors room and slowly made his way towards his bed. "Connor. Are you in here." Connor heard Colin and grunted slightly letting him know he was there. Colin let out a sigh of relief and Connor poked his head out from underneath his bed covers. "Love you too."


"Last night dad told me you told him to tell me that you loved me. So now I'm saying I love you too." Colin smiled and left his room with a toothy smile. Connor smiled and sat up stretching and fumbling about looking for his phone.


Connor sighed a laugh and unlocked it.

Conan~ Hey when did you leave?

Conan~ Sorry I didn't wake you. You just seemed so comfortable.

Connor~ That's okay Nines. I made it home and I also had a great time. Xxx

Connor looked down at the message and placed his phone on the night stand. Stretching , Connor heard the once blaring music stop. Hank must have got up and turned it of. Connor finally got up and made his way around his room searching for clean clothes to wear. After about 20 minutes of searching and changing Connor was finally ready for the day.

Connor exited his room and almost tripped over Sumo. He laughed a little at the over excited dog and patted him on the head. "Oh my Ra9. SUMO MOVE!" Connor shot Colton a really dirty look and moved over with Sumo. Colton growled at Connor and just as Connor was going to say something Hank called Connor.

Connor sighed and pushed Colton aside and headed down to the kitchen where he heard Hank call from. "What is it you need from me dad?" Hank turned from the half done dishes and looked almost startled by Connors appearance.  Hank dried his hands and leant against the side before talking. "I have a few questions about last night I would like to ask you Connor." Connor hesitated before nodding. Hank looked over to Connors LED. It shone a bright red before settling on a dark purple. Hank sighed and then signalled Connor to go into the living room.

They both sat on the couch before Hank turned to face Connor. Then he started listing out a bunch of questions.

Who did you go out with last night? That was one of the first out of many questions Hank had asked. Once again Connor hesitated and answered truly to the question knowing he couldn't hide the bright LED on the right side of his head. "I went out with Conan. My friend." Connor seemed to choke on the word friend. He knew he wanted to tell Hank who Conan truly was. But he knew he couldn't. At least without Conan agreeing to tell. 

Hank noticed Connor choke on the word friend and he raised a brow at him before moving onto the next question. "Where did you go?"

Connor then answered with the truth once again.  "I went on a walk got some food and then went back to Conan's house. We watched a movie and I must have fallen asleep. That's why I was really late home."

Hank knew Connor couldn't lie but he couldn't help but have the feeling that he was lying to him. Connor was super uncomfortable in this situation hoping that he ask who Conan rally was and if he was more than a friend. However, Hank did just that.

"Is Conan really just a friend?" Connor froze. He knew that question was going to be asked one day. But today was not the day for it.

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