Sleepover - (T or D-part 2)

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After a quick change of clothes the boys all settled down on couch. Connor was snuggled up in Conan's arms and Simon sprawled out on the opposite couch with his head lead on Markus' leg.

"So. What we doing then?" Conan asked.

"Truth or Dare!!" Simon practically screamed as a devilish smile spread across his face.

Connor sat up slightly clearly annoying Conan as he shifted awkwardly from the sudden movement.
"Well what are we waiting for!" Markus said excitedly. Connor chuckled and they all made their way to the floor.

"So who's first?" Conan questioned sitting in the most formal way possible. Connor cringed at the sight of how he was sat.

"Why you so tense Conan? Your looking like an Android!" Markus laughed followed by Simon and Connor. Conan sighed.

"I don't usually sit on the floor.Unlike you lot who have the gift of knowing how to slouch whilst sitting on something other than a chair , I haven't managed to master such a deviant way yet." Conan replied as best he could.

Simon chuckled slightly then began the game of T&D.

"Connor! Truth or Dare?" Simon started smiling and making odd hand motions on the word 'dare'.

"Umm. Truth please." Connor smiled and Conan chuckled at how polite he was being. Simon smiled as he thought up a good question.

"Okay. Is it true... That you and nines haven't kissed yet? On the lips I mean."

Connor shook his head slightly. Simon smiled then put his hand up to his ear. Connor sighed "Not yet. No."

Simon chuckled then smiled. Conan grabbed hold of Connor and pulled him close so he was sat on his lap. Connor smiled and snuggled into him.

"Connor it's your turn." Markus said smiling.

"Oh! Yes okay! Um... Markus Truth or Dare?" Connor smiled once more.

"Dare." Markus replied.
"Oo mr confident."Simon smirked. Markus elbowed him playfully in the rib.

"Oh. Okay then. Well I dare you too..." Connors LED spun yellow then red as he was getting frustrated.

"Are you okay Con?" Conan asked. Connor shook his head and crossed his arms.

"I can't think of anything!" Connor whisper yelled. Conan smiled at him then whispered something in his ear.

"Eww. Can you say it?" Conan nodded.

"Connor dares you to eat a spoonful of cinnamon." Connor stuck his tongue out and pretended to throw up.

"It's horrible. Colton got me to do it once! It's absolutely disgusting." Connor shook his head then buried it in Conan's chest remembering the time he did the cinnamon challenge.

(Not sure if you guys thought it would have been something else but that for later.😉)

(Time skip cuz I wanna get to Conan's Dare!)

After clearing up the mess Markus made from the last dare the boys all sat down in there original spaces.

"Okay Conan. Truth or Dare." Conan looked up at Markus then at Connor and back at Markus.

"Dare." Conan smiled.
Markus thought hard then grinned.
"I dare you to kiss Connor." Connors face turned blue and he looked down at his hands.
"O-okay." Conan stuttered. He put his hand under Connors chin bringing him closer to his face. He took a deep breath then pressed his lips onto Connors.

Simon smiled and covered Markus' eyes. Connor pulled Conan closer to him.
"Umm..." Markus coughed at they pulled away from each other. Connor looked away from Conan , his face bright blue.

"S-sorry." Conan said. Simon suddenly burst into laughter followed by Markus.

"I guess that's the end of the game then." Simon said mid laugh. Connor and Nines nodded in unison.

Markus put a few blankets on the floor followed by some pillows. They all led down and put Simon put a random film on Netflix. Soon enough they all fell asleep.

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