The last day of summer (part 2)

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Connor sat on his bed waiting for someone to come upstairs and at least try to get him out of his room. "I'm going to call Conan. He'll know what to do."
Connor pulled out his phone,not like he needed it but it made him feel more human, and pressed the call button above Conans name.

The phone rang a few times and then someone picked up.

Conan: Hello.

Conan sounded out of breath but Connor wasn't going to question what he was doing.

Connor: Hi Conan. Do you mind coming over. I need to talk.

Conan: Sure what about?

The small silence made both androids uncomfortable but Connor soon broke the silence.

Connor: I think I did something bad.

Conan: Okay don't do anything stupid I'll be over soon.

Connor thought about why Conan told him not to do anything stupid. What could he do that's going to be that bad.

Few minutes later...

*BANG* "Connor it's me let me in."

Conan has to come in through Connors bedroom window only because of Hank. He's a little over protective. Connor didn't mind but he just hoped one day they could see each other without his dad spying on them.

*BANG*"Connor let me in it's freezing!"

"Okay okay. Could you be any more impatient." Connor then stood up and walked as slow as he possibly could just to annoy him.

"Omra9 Connor come on. I'm going to freeze to death."

Connor laughed and opened his window and Conan practically fell in.

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Connor instantly shouted back it was nothing but it clearly wasn't.
Conan made his way to the bed and looked up into the tearing of his lover.

"What's wrong Connor?" Conan patted the bed to get Connor to sit down next to him.

"I hurt Colin." Floods of tears came pouring out of Connors eyes. Conan pulled him in closer and grabbed his hand making their white metal form appear. Connors breathing soon went back to normal and his stress levels went down aswell.

Coltan sprinted back downstairs and Connor slammed his door shut before hurrying Conan back out of the window.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeh." Conan gave Connor a quick kiss on the lips before climbing out of the window.

Hello! Part two. I hope you like this. I'll update tomorrow. Hopefully. Anyway thank u for reading this anyway.👌🏻❤️🏳️‍🌈

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