Late night date (2)

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It seemed to get late really quick and Connor and Conan were just enjoying the company of each other. Not even needing to talk verbally or telepathically. They both enjoyed the presence of the other.

They were just on there way back to the car ready to go and enjoy the remainder of there night at Conan's house.

"You seem tired Con." Conan pointed out whilst sliding into the drivers seat. Connor looked up at him and rolling his eyes and letting out a small sigh. "That obvious is it?" Connor replied sarcastically. Conan nodded slightly and strapped himself in. He smirked then started the car.

(Time skip - Conan's house)

Connor dragged his feet through the door and Conan smiled a toothy grin before sweeping Connor of his feet. "H-hey! What are you doing? Put me down!" Connor laughed.  Conan looked down into his eyes and smirked. "Okay." Conan dropped Connor on the couch and laughed. Shocked, Connor jumped up and playfully punched Conan in the arm. "Ow." Conan laughed a little more and rubbed his arm. He then sat down on the Couch and patted the free space next to him signalling Connor to sit down.

Connor sighed lightly once again and then sat down next to Conan. "So ... What now?" Connor and Conan sat in the quiet for a while thinking about what to do until Conan broke the silence. "We could watch a film if you want." Conan shrug not bothered if Connor says yes or no. Connor nodded and led down putting his head on Conan's lap. Conan grabbed the remote from the coffee table and found a film to watch. He then put a hand on Connors head and every now and then he would run that hand through his hair. Connor loved spending time with Conan. And he was pretty sure Conan did too.

(Another time skip - Back at Connors house)

Hanks POV:

Connor has been gone for a while and it wasn't like him to ignore my instructions. Okay I might be being a bit overprotective but I am more than ready to called GAVIN to take me out so I can look for him. I'm worried sick about him.

"Dad." I heard a small whisper like voice come from the top of the stairs. I knew who it was instantly. It was Colin.

"Hey buddy what's wrong?" Colin is one of my responsible kids. He usually does what he's told and looks after himself. He hates being looked after. He says , and I quote "I'm not a baby I cant look after myself. But thank you for trying. I appreciate it."

"Is Connor back yet? I'm worried about him." Colin was always the one to worry unlike Colton who doesn't give a shit about anyone. I sighed and walked up the stairs. I then grabbed hold of Colin and kneelt down so I was somewhat the same height as him. I could see the tears in his eyes. He was truly worried about Connor.

3rd Person:

Hank pulled a fake smile and looked into his youngest android sons eyes. "He is gong to be fine. Look I know he will come home. He always does. He's probably coming home now."

Colin nodded and pulled Hank into a hug. "Thank you. Tell him I love him please. I couldn't say goodnight like I usually do." Colin pulled away from Hank pulled his leaf pictured trouser leg down and ran of to his room. Hank sighed and whispered "Were are you Connor?"

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