Blue blush and nasty words.

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I༶ g༶i༶v༶e༶ t༶h༶e༶ c༶r༶e༶d༶i༶t༶ o༶f༶ t༶h༶i༶s༶ i༶d༶e༶a༶ t༶o༶ DetroitKCM  t༶h༶a༶n༶k༶ y༶o༶u༶.༶💙

Just a really quick thing this does have a homophobic bit of language in it. I am not a homophobic person. I fully support LGBTQ+ as I am apart of it. So I just wanted you to be aware of that. 👌💙🏳️‍🌈


Connor woke up to a very loud beeping noise coming from downstairs. He slowly dragged himself out of bed and towards the door hoping no one was stood on the other side.

"Morning Con!" Colin sprinted past him with a giggle and stumbled downstairs towards the loud noise.

  🆆🅷🅰🆃 🅸🆂 🅸🆃 🅽🅾🆆? (this is Connors thoughts.)

"Go and get your brother up please Connor." Hank ordered as he trudged to his room.
"Why have I got to do it your passing his room. I need to get ready." Hank turned to face Connor and pulled that one look every child knows about.

(᷈Y᷈o᷈u᷈ k᷈n᷈o᷈w᷈ t᷈h᷈a᷈t᷈ o᷈n᷈e᷈ l᷈o᷈o᷈k᷈ y᷈o᷈u᷈r᷈ p᷈a᷈r᷈e᷈n᷈t᷈s᷈ p᷈u᷈l᷈l᷈ t᷈h᷈a᷈t᷈ l᷈o᷈o᷈k᷈s᷈ l᷈i᷈k᷈e᷈ t᷈h᷈e᷈i᷈r᷈ g᷈u᷈n᷈n᷈a᷈ k᷈i᷈l᷈l᷈ y᷈o᷈u᷈.᷈)᷈

"Ugh fine." Connor pulled a fake smile before basically kicking Coltons door down.
"Ugh what the fuck Connor. Leave me alone." He shook his head as an answer before pulling back the curtains and letting the light of the sun finish of his job.
"Dad told me to get you up. If I come back up here and your not some what dressed I'll drag you out of bed and down the stairs. Okay." Coltan rolled his eyes before throwing a pillow at Connor.
"Gosh Connor you on your period or something?"he laughed.

Connor had just about had enough of Coltans attitude,it was lucky Hank had walked in or Coltan wouldn't have been able to go anywhere for at least a week.

"Thank you Connor. I would also go and sort out your hair. You have crazy bed head."
His LED flashed yellow for a second trying to figure out what bed head meant.
"Go and look in the mirror Connor."

Walking towards the mirror down the hall a rather lazy dog blocked his path. "Hey Sumo."
Connor knelt down to pet the dog before stepping over it.

"Oh my ra9."

(Time skippy skip)

"Goodbye Connor have fun." Colin smiles and hugged Connor before running off to find Ralph and Tyler.
"Move it!" Colton shouted whilst pushing him aside and joining a rather pissed of Luther.

"Hi Connor." A faint whisper came from behind him, turning around he saw Simon.
"What's wrong with you?"Simon looked confused for a while before realising what he meant.
"Oh I uh~ just loosing my voice you know."

That was not the truth and it was also not the time to start asking questions either. Soon enough Conan and Markus joined the pair and Connor couldn't help but notice how quite Conan was.

"Are you okay Nines?" The sound of Connors voice snapped him out of whatever thoughts he was in.

I have to ask him but how? I was in deep thought before a familiar voice broke the constant questions.

"Huh. What you say?"

3rd person:

"Really Nines. You didn't hear what I said." Connor giggled a bit making a light blue dust across Conans face.
"No. I was just thinking." As if that wasn't obvious.
"Thinking about what?"
"Abou~" Just as Conan was going to tell him a certain over dramatic android came along.

"Omra9. I'm so angry." Really North right now. 🅽🅾🆆 🆆🅰🆂 🅽🅾🆃 🆃🅷🅴 🆃🅸🅼🅴 🅵🅾🆁 🅰🅽🅾🆃🅷🅴🆁 🅾🅽🅴 🅾🅵 🆈🅾🆄🆁 🅴🆇🅰🅶🅶🅴🆁🅰🆃🅴🅳 🆂🆃🅾🆁🆈🆂."Ugh what is it now North."

She just shot Connor a dirty look and then one to Simon like whatever happened was our fault.
"I swear Connor I'm not up for any of your bullshit or that blonde bastards either."

"Hey hey hey. What have they done?"

"What have they done? What have they done? Well you should know you were there. And you Conan you were there too." Connor and the others were so confused and Simon was scared out of his life.

"North I didn't do anything." She then turned to Simon and what came out of her mouth was beyond anything she's said to us.

"You listen here you fat fuck. I'm not taking any bullshit from you. Your a dumb shit.Fucking fag!" That word hit Connor and he was just about ready to snap. Luckily Conan saw Connors LED flash a bright red and grabbed him.

"North that's enough! He did nothing wrong!" Simon just stood next to Markus in utter disbelief.

Connor was trying so hard to get out of Conan's grasp so he could hit the shit out of North so bad.

"Oh yeh go one then!!" Just as North stepped closer a certain tall android appeared and dragged her away. That was Luther. "No one messes with my brother. No one."
Simon send a smile to Colton and then grabbed Markus walking of somewhere else.

Conan couldn't believe the words that had came out of his boyfriends mouth.
"Connor. This isn't the attention you needed." He pulled him into a hug and rubbed his hand up and down Connors back to try and calm him.
"It's okay. I was going to ask you something but now just doesn't seem to be the right time."

Connor looked up into his lovers eyes (ewwww I cant believe I just wrote that) with utter confusion. "No. Tell me what you wanted to ask."

"I~ Connor we've been going out for a while now and I wanted to know if... would you like to go on a date with me."

Connors pov:
A date. He wants to go on a date. I didn't know what to say so I just stood silent. I've never been on a date before.

"So. What do you say?"
I needed to get out more anyway. And get what North said out of my head too.

"Sure. I mean yeah. I mean... okay." That was stupid but oh well. A date it is.

Օհ ʍվ ɑϲƒմɑӏ ցօժ! This is the longest thing I have ever wrote in my life. It's going well the next chapter will be the date. But a twist. Also thank you again DetroitKCM for the idea and getting all my creative juices and crap flowing again. 👌🏻💙🏳️‍🌈 (world count 1088)

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