Sleepover - T or D (part 1)

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Connor packed up a bag full of the essential he needed. He stopped in the middle of his room sensing another presence in the room. He turned to see Hank leant on the door frame clearly pissed out of his mind already.

"I'll be back tomorrow okay. Let's get you into bed." Connor grabbed hold of Hanks right arm and gently lifted him slightly before helping him to bed. Connor smiled at Hank then closed the door behind him.

He sighed slightly then grabbed his jacket from the coat hook on his door and the packed bag.

"Colin look after yourself and Colton for that matter. I've put some food and other things on the bottom shelf for you to reach. I'll see you tomorrow." Colin smiled and hugged Connor then he walked of upstairs.

Connor smiled once again and closed the door behind him then set off to Simons house.

—(time skip - at Simons)———

Connor knocked on the door and was greeted by Markus and before he could even set foot in the house he was consumed in cat hairs. At least that what he thought the animal hair belonged to anyway.

"Oh I forgot to tell you! Conan's running late. But we've already sorted out a place to sleep. We're staying in the living room by the way." Markus said quickly.

Connor giggled and slipped of his shoes and jacket then followed Markus into the living room.
"Were is Simon anyway?" Markus shrugged and walked of into the kitchen.

"Hey! I didn't hear you come in!" Simon basically shouted. Connor jumped and his LED spun red before turning back to a soft blue.
"Jesus Christ you scared me. Markus let me."
Simon laughed and sat next to Connor then Markus joined after.

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The doorbell rang and Simon sprinted to the door. Connor laughed when Simon slid across the floor trying to get up.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late." Connor looked up to see Conan smiling at everyone. Conan then locked eyes with Connor before turning back to everyone else. Markus seemed to notice but Simon was completely clueless.

"So.... what we doing first?" Connor questioned. Markus shrugged then looked at Simon. They both nodded then Simon spoke up.

"I was thinking. We could play some games after we've all got changed that is." Simon smiled at everyone before heading upstairs.

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