Chapter 3

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I left the kitchen with the hot chocolate in hand resting in between my two palms. Its warmth heated my hands as it traveled through the rest of my body. I noticed Liam was setting up for breakfast while he placed plates alongside the counter.

I watched intently as his arms stretched to carefully place a stack of plates onto the counter. His muscles flexing in the process. He whipped back his hair collecting the free-fallen hair follicles that hung over his eyes. This gave a better view of his intimidating facial expression, but also quite sexy. His face was tight, and eyes locked down at the task in front of him representing the perfect "bad boy" face. If Liam wasn't such an asshole, I might be inclined to like him.

The only reason he was even working here was because his rich ass parents forced him to get a job. When I say rich, I mean rich. Like mansion and six expensive hyped-up cars rich. He even drove a 2018 Corvette Stingray to work. Like what?! I wish. I don't even know what the heck they do. Liam won't ever tell me. Must be some government work or something, but who honestly cares. They're rich and that's what matters.

I met his parents once when they came to drop off his phone. As far as I could tell, they seemed like nice people. Then again, I only spoke to them for a couple minutes so who knows. Liam, though, is an ass. A complete jerk headed stuck up rich headed ass. He's always goofing off at work and somehow puts me in the middle of it all. Self-centered brat thinks of no one, but himself. He can get me fired and I tell him that all the time, but the little ass doesn't give a crap. He's a class A snob with every defining rich brat stereotype. He's cocky, arrogant, selfish, undeniably attractive, and knows it. The mind-blowing kicker is he enjoys making jokes about my parents knowingly they're dead. Yeah, an ass. What's even better is that I see him on campus because we share the same major – Environment and Sustainability. Yippie me.

I shake my head grimacing at the thought I even considered liking him at one point. "Freakin ass," I mutter. I turned towards the lobby with the hot chocolate still in hand. The older lady was sitting calmly in the soft cushioned chair staring at something in the distance.

"Ma'am?" I approached setting the mug carefully on the table.

She softly tilted her head up towards me, "Oh honey, thank you."

"Not a problem," I respond smiling. "It's still a little hot, so I think you should wait a bit before taking a sip."

She smiled at me gleefully, "Okay, dear."

I then remembered I had promised to read to her, so I walked swiftly over to the reception desk gathering my book. Looking back towards her, I could see the loneliness in her eyes. I wonder who's here with her? Husband? I would ask, but I don't want to pride into her personal life. It is against working policy to ask personal questions, although, I am curious.

"Ma'am would you like me to read to you?" I held the book towards her as she glanced at it briefly. Her smile was sweet and adorable. She reminded me a lot of Betty White with her white curly hair and sweet smile. Although, she is nothing like her character. This woman was quiet, shy, and possibly even a little scared unlike Betty's outgoing attitude and charisma.

"I would love that dear," she whispered.

I smiled back at her beginning to read gently to the older woman. She stared at me keeping the same smile upon her face. She never stopped. She listened intently nodding once and awhile to the story. She never took off her smile.

It filled me with a radiating light of appreciation, with acceptance. It felt good. It felt as if I belonged like I wasn't lost. It felt like I had been found. It crept along my body filling a satisfying need that warmed and beamed inside me. In the depths of her smile, I found a light. A light that guided me away from the darkness and filled me with joy. All the pain that I had been holding and the fear that ate inside me seemed to just disappear. For once, I wasn't hurting anymore.

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