Chapter 12

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I felt my eyes awaken to a blinding light. It was painful. Am I alive? This had to be a dream. I was shot. Shot in the stomach to die. I should be dead.

I opened my eyes more fully blinking with the lights around me. Seeing more clearly, there were no direct lights pointed at me, except the bulbs in the ceiling. I was in a hospital bed with an IV sticking out of my arm and a pulse oximeter on my middle finger. I knew this all too well.

There was no one in the room with me at the time. Just me and the medical devices that monitored my wellbeing. It was odd. I felt no pain. I didn't feel an ache or a nabbing. There was nothing.

The door opened to Dr. Klimek stepping in gracefully towards me. She wasn't alone either. Behind her stood two others and one of which I recognized from the other night and the day of the fire. He looked to be about my age but had dark brown skin and fascinating eyes colored in a mossy green with a hint of light blue that made them look almost like a robin blue. They were bright and appalling that made me almost in trance.

He stood about 5'8 in appearance wearing jeans and black leather jacket with black boots. His black curly hair was trimmed nicely and well kept. The sides of his head were shaved nicely leaving a small, but noticeable patch of hair at the top. He had muscles, but he wasn't buff. He was toned. Dare I say, he was attractive.

The other man, who looked to be in his late thirties, stood about an inch taller than him and was a bit skinner than the attractive specimen, but he was in no way out of shape or malnourished. He had a white skin tone with a little bit of a tan and had dark brown hair that was gelled and spiked to the left side of his head. He wore oval glasses over his brown eyes that seemed to have small specs of reddish pigments in the iris. Both their eyes were peculiar to say the least. This man wore blue jeans and a grey quarter zip pullover.

They followed closely behind the doctor looking at me in a way that made me scared. The attractive one, looked at me with what looked like pity and remorse. The other, he seemed to stare at me with disgust, fear, or confusion. I wasn't sure what it was, but I didn't like it.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Klimek asked. She was now huddled over the equipment looking at the readings and writing stuff on her clipboard. Glasses guy didn't seem to like that too much. He seemed on edge.

I shifted myself up to keep my back up against the bed, "Um, okay, I think."

She looked up from the clipboard keeping her eyes solely trained on me. "Any pain?"

The way she asked the question, it seemed like she wasn't asking. It was like she already knew the answer. I looked towards the man with the glasses that stared at me intently with his arms crossed in a corner.

"Um, no," I said shaking my head.

She nodded quietly to herself taking a glance with the man in the glasses. "Good," she replied. She clicked the back of the pen with the clipboard making the ballpoint seep back inside the device, "Well, looks like my work here is done. Glad your feeling better Ms. Jackson and I hope I don't see you back in here anytime soon."

I didn't know whether to laugh or say thank you. My mind boggled with questions. What happened to me? Why am I not dead? How long was I asleep? She didn't tell me anything.

"Wait," I said catching her before she walked out the door, "Why am I here?"

"You were shot Ms. Jackson," she stated. "Do you not remember?"

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