Chapter 28

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"Okay, let's go," Darren ordered. He stuffed a pistol into a holster that strapped to his right leg. They were waiting outside the facility, which was surrounded in barbed wires and fences, in stolen SUV's. They were hidden alongside a side road that led up to the front entrance.

Carter jumped out of the car followed by Terrance and Ava. "Remember the number one rule."

Ava rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, don't use our powers unless its life or death. We know."

Darren turned to Josh and Jeremy. "You know what to do?"

"Keep the cars running and wait for you. If we get noticed, drive and meet at the lake. If you don't show in an hour, call Elijah," Jeremy repeated back to cue.

Darren patted him on the shoulder, "And, remember, don't call Elijah..."

"Because we aren't supposed to be here. We know," Josh finished.

"Good, man," Darren nodded patting him on the shoulder. Darren turned to the others who were idly standing by waiting for the orders. "Alright, everyone ready?"

"This better work," Ava muttered.

Blake twirled the fixed blade knife with his hand watching the blade pass through his mists. "If it doesn't, everything we've worked so hard to protect will be for nothing."

"Always her," Ava spited.

Carter darted his eyes at Ava with pure disgust. "This isn't her fault," he argued.

Ava took a step forward getting into Carter's face. "Yeah, then whose is it then?"

Carter made a growling noise from his throat that was returned with Ava's killer eyes. Darren pushed them back breaking up the altercation, "Its my fault, not hers." Ava rolled her eyes disregarding the comment. "You can't be mad at her for something I did, Ava. We all know you hate her. For what, I don't know, but this needs to stop. Ray is family now whether you like it or not. She never asked for this, but I gave it to her. Its my fault for not protecting her...for protecting us."

Terrance stepped forward, "This isn't entirely your fault, bro. We should have all been watching."

Josh stepped forward taking her hand in his. "I know you hate her and sometimes I do too. She can be naive, stupid, impulsive, and always seems to find the wrong words to say, but she is also caring and tries her best to keep my brother and I safe no matter all the crap that has happened to her. She's my sister and that means something to me. I don't care if you hate my sister or not. She's in trouble and she needs your help. As a friend, I would expect you at least to try."

She looked down into his pleading eyes. She let go of his hand pulling hers back. "Let's go," she sighed with agitation.

Jeremy smiled softly to her, "Thank you."

She replied with a gentle smile, but the agitation still hid behind her face. She was in no way saving me out of her own will, but to make my brothers happy.

Carter nodded to Josh and Jer, "See you in a bit and be careful."

Josh nodded in reply, "Yes, sir." Carter turned to follow the others whom had started to run through the forest. Their boots snapped twigs and branches that echoed between the trees.

"Get my sister back," Jeremy called after them as a desperate plea.

When Darren and Carter had caught up with the rest of them, Maya had already fried the electric fence by creating a surge with her own electric power.

The Sixers: The Huntsmen of DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon