Chapter 24

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After I had stopped sulking in my pain, my brothers and I wanted to spend the last moments of our time in the mountains, so we went out. Of course, the others came too primarily because they didn't trust us, but also because it was going to be a long time before we ever got to do anything fun.

For our last memories here, we decided to go BMX biking. There was an outdoor course next to some mountain bike trails that Blake and Maya wanted to hit up since we were all going out. The rest of them stayed with us. I wasn't sure if it was because they wanted to give the two love birds time alone or if they wanted to just puppy guard me and my brothers. I couldn't tell which or if it was even both of those reasons.

It was another stormy day. The wind was strong and smacked across my face. Rain was pelting my skin, because I was wearing a black under armor tank top. It was rainy, but humid and musty. It was the perfect combo for me to do some BMXing. The rain made a muddy slush along the course and in between the jumps. It was no time for flips, because that usually ends up badly with a sloshy ground, but the high jumps felt amazing. The mud made it all the more fun.

Unlike my brothers, I wasn't wearing a helmet. One reason for that was mainly because I never did unless I was required to in tournaments. My brothers, however, never rode without them. Reckless on my part, I know, but there was a sense of danger with it. I understood why Blake was an adrenaline junkie, because I was sort of one myself back in the day. The rush of danger and the possibility of death just enhanced everything. You were more scared, and the adrenaline pumped faster. You made yourself do better, because your life was at stake and deep down, it sent a rush. It was like being on a drug.

My brothers were ahead of me jumping over the hills to the next one, sometimes flying over the hill in front of them. They were hollering with enjoyment and gaining speed down the track. I followed closely behind them hollering back as they did. Wind rushed past me and swept past my tied-up hair. The rain pattered on my skin soaking my hair and clothes. They started to feel a bit heavy from the half hour we had been out there in the rain. Mud was tracked along my bike and my clothes.

The once grey frame was now soaked with a dirt mud along with my vans. I pedaled harder against the pedals feeling the muscles straining in my thighs. I sped past my brothers looking to each of them before the jump. They started to chase after me. I stood up on the pedals at the next hill making air towards the next one as I hollered in midair. My stomach hung and time passed by slowly like I was stuck in slow mode of a video. For those few seconds, I felt free.

To the left and right of me, my brothers were coming from both sides of me in midair. Giant smiles stretched from each side of their cheeks. They hollered simultaneously like a soft song that seemed to be carried by the wind.

I hit ground feeling it shock up into my body. My knees ached a little from the continuous drops. My breaths were heavy from the continuous efforts and work put into jumping and hollering. We hit the bottom and all three of us hit our brakes and twisted our weight so that our bike tires sprayed mud towards the sixers.

"Oop, sorry," Josh apologized between his laughs and heavy breathing.

"You're pretty good," Ava complimented. Uhhh, did she just compliment us? Nope, let me rephrase, she complimented Josh and Jeremy.

"You should try it," Jeremy urged. I wanted to snark, but I kept quiet. I couldn't imagine Ava BMXing. She would probably fall on her ass, plus she was wearing her usual leather jacket and boots.

"Yeah, Ava, you should try it," Terrance laughed with sarcasm. It didn't take long for her to smack him across the face. His head went back in response and his hand instantly went up to his cheek. When he moved his hand, there was a red spot on his left cheek where she had smacked him. He laughed uncomfortably and then shut his pie. Which was probably the best bet considering Ava was not taking jokes today. She was a dangerous specimen and on the prowl.

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