Chapter 14

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When the boys and I had finally got back home, I about had a heart attack. My car was sitting idly in the parking lot with cracked egg shells and the yokes glistening over it. I stopped my bike only to stare at the scene. I was furious.

I also knew that only one person I knew would do such a thing to my car. Liam. I clenched my fist into a ball trying to break open the anger boiling inside me. What a dick! I sighed in between my clenched teeth making a rough and harsh sound.

"Liam?" Josh looked to me. I nodded slowly staring at the destruction of my car. "Why don't we do the same to his car?"

"It'll never end," I said softly.

Jeremy got off his bike swinging his right leg over to the other side. He held onto the handle bar and the seat for balance as he pushed it towards the apartment stairs. "If you don't, I will," he called behind.

"Nobody's doing anything," I said. I sighed feeling the weight of my anger release from my burning body. "I'll just let it go," I whispered mournfully.

"As always," Jeremy replied with irritation. I kept my mouth shut not wanting to start another fight. I followed up behind the boys carrying my bike slowly up the stairs.

When I got to the top, both boys were staring into the apartment from the door entrance. "What's wrong?" I asked from behind them.

"Someone broke in," Josh said in a brittle tone.

I put my bike up against the wall before brushing between Josh and Jeremy into the apartment. Clothes, appliances, and paper were scattered around the floor. I started searching through all my stuff to make sure nothing was gone and collected items that were scattered around the floor. Josh and Jeremy did the same.

"Anything missing?" I called to them in their bedroom.

"Don't think so," Jeremy replied.

I started going through the kitchen picking up silverware and appliances that were thrown to the ground. I rearranged the counter placing the items back where they were before we had left. This had to be Liam's doing.

I looked to the time reading 7:24PM. Anger boiled inside me and I was ready to let loose. "Let's go," I shouted.

Both boys came out of their room to face me in the kitchen. "Where to?" Josh asked.

"We are going to Liam's." My rage was building up fiercely inside me. I couldn't hold it back anymore. This was past the line, even for Liam.

"Yes, ma'am," Jeremy replied. "Let's go." He went straight to the door leading us out into the open air. We decided to bike to Liam's, because my car would one, be recognized and two, its destroyed. So, there wasn't much options to go on.

When we were about a ten-minute walk away, we got off our bikes and walked ourselves towards Liam's house. We hid our bikes behind some bushes that were up against the tree line and just outside the rich house community. Most of the people who lived there seemed pretty nice, and I would always see them volunteering either at the church or at the animal shelter when I used to go.

We walked along the street on the sidewalk admiring the houses we walked by. They had to be at least a million-dollar homes. Cobblestone driveways, white columns at the entrance, swinging benches at the front, and a four-door garage. I drooled out of jealousy and amazement. They were huge.

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