Chapter 19

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"Now I want you to focus. Close your eyes and feel the muscles contract with your breaths. Feel your body move and twitch." Darren was trying to help me control my powers which honestly, wasn't going so well. I didn't even know what the heck I was doing, and this meditation crap wasn't working for me.

It was still early in the day, about lunch time, on a Wednesday. Obviously, I wasn't in class, but I did email them telling them I was out sick despite Elijah's request telling me to keep off the grid. Elijah had dropped my brothers off at school and for once, I was jealous of that. They got to go outside instead of being trapped in this freakin prison of a basement.

"Now go deeper. Let your mind float wondering through the pieces of your body. You should feel at ease and relaxed. You should feel free." Free was far from what I felt. My eyes were shut tight and I could feel wrinkles along my eyes.

"Pretend you are standing in a room. The room is your brain. It's dark and your trying to find a switch to activate the lights or to activate the cells within your body."

I grimaced trying to find myself in a stupid room. This was dumb as crap. All I could see was darkness and nothing else. I saw no light switch or room. I gave up letting my hands rest at my side and my eyes opened, "This isn't working."

"You're thinking too much about it," he said walking over to me. "You need to relax. Let it be part of you and let it come to you. Takes practice is all."

"Then how come I was able to do it before?" I huffed in defiance.

"You were scared," he said softly.

"Was not!" I defended. He gave me a slight smile and a "really?" look where both his eyes side eyed me and his eyebrows were raised. I hated that he could see through my walls. It was annoying.

"Come on," he waved me towards the steel door.

I followed behind him. "Where are we going?"

"To get some food. I couldn't stand to hear your stomach growl another time," he chuckled. I blushed in embarrassment. Awesome.

When we got upstairs, the TV was playing to I think the movie Taken. Elijah was watching it from the kitchen while making lunch. He was the only one in the room. I could smell spices circulating throughout the room. Oregano? No..Thyme? I looked over Darren's shoulders to find the source of the smell. Spaghetti, not one of my favorites, but still delicious.

He looked away from the TV when he noticed us come through the door, "How'd it go?" I rolled my eyes and sat down at the head of the table not even bothering to respond. "That bad?" he asked knowingly.

"She's just trying too hard," Darren suggested. He smiled down at me and I almost wanted to gag, "She'll get it." I turned away from him trying to hide my blushing cheeks. I rested my head on my clenched hands. I wanted to either smack myself or just run. I couldn't help myself around him.

It was like every time he spoke, I wish he would just never stop. His eyes, oh those eyes, were gorgeous and sparkled when he looked at me. I never wanted to stop looking. I could stare at them for hours captivated by the way they shone and the way I could see through them. When he smiled, I felt chills run down my body and my own lips would smile back in reply. Every aspect of him, I loved. The way he whispered to me and supported me sent a wave of glee erupting through my bones and cheeks. My heart skipped a beat when he would sass me back or joke around with me. A warmth was always in my chest when I was around him and I never wanted it to stop. He was like a drug and I was absolutely addicted.

"Hungry?" Elijah asked when he heard my stomach erupt in growling.

"Maybe just a little," I said.

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